What the Hell are these?

I was just checking out the roots in my octopots and noticed something moving in the water… got out my microscope and its a shit ton of these lil guys…please tell me this is a good thing! Ive been using photosythesis plus since the beginning . At one point I put in some recharge but drained the system after. I also started using slf100

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They look like springtails, pretty harmless as they only eat dead and decaying matter (dead leaves and dead roots) and stay in the medium and don’t crawl around on the plants.


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soooo does that mean i have a root problem…?

@Hellraiser can you see the pics? I can’t.

I was just about to ask the same…cant see any of them

Yes I can, but I’ve noticed a problem with viewing pics on many threads today.

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Probably not, they love moist conditions and just show up somehow and start reproducing but they won’t harm the plants. Some think they are quite beneficial as they eat the dead matter and their poop feeds the plant.


wheww…i was so blown for a sec there. Im just short of wearing a hazmat suit when i go im my closet (JK) so the last thing i want to see i a bug!!