New here. I’m planning on using ILGM seeds, nutrients and plant guard.
What ‘soil’ should I begin with? Worried about using nutrient rich soils like Fox Farm Ocean if I plan to follow your feed guidelines.
I will have a 3x3 tent with 4x 5gallon fab pots. Using KS3000 Viparspectra. Plan to scrog plants.
Thank you I’m advance for any feedback.
Very excited!
Welcome to the community ! Happy frog or ocean forest is a good cannabis friendly soil. With ocean forest soil you will not need to feed till week 5 or 6
@kellydans makes a great suggestion. HF isn’t all that hot. Add a little perlite for drainage and you’ll have great soil.
So basically begin with Happy Frog or FF, wait 5-6 weeks, then start adding ILGM mutes?
Measure runoff PPM and begin feeding when PPM is below 1,000.
A lot of growers will add ocean forest to the bottom of the pot and layer happy frog on top. Happy frog being a little less hot.
That’s great. Appreciate pointing me in right direction. Initially seems there’s an almost overwhelming amount to learn just to start. Starting to come together.
We’re all here to help you be successful. Every one of us started out right where you are.
Master the basics and you’ll be a master grower in no time.
Thank you. The short time I’ve been here, all of you are great.
Welcome to the community.
Im not a huge fan of the nute line but the genetics are top shelf.
Dont be. FFOF is great soil for growing cannabis. It comes loaded with nutes and will last you 4-6 weeks before you need to feed the plant anything. No matter what nute line you are using.
FF happy frog works great for seedlings also.
If growing photos might suggest 3 vs 4 plants.
Roots Original soil is very easy to use. You can start with water only, until the plants start getting root bound. With no worries about over feeding.
What other equipment will you be using?
Welcome to the neighborhood. You are in good hands here
PPM, PH, fans, oscillating, temp monitoring and other support equipment?
Just watch the plants. I got some advice when o started using soil with nites in it…… only feed the plant if it’s showing deficiencies. If there green and growing great then just use water! Until they show that they need some nutrients.
Not certain yet on instrumentation, ie meters, etc. Been looking into, however the bigger items have been taking up my time learning.
I’ve never been a gardener so most of this is new.
I know my fan will be AC 6” w carbon f.
Don’t want to screw this up out of the chute.
Can I ask what meters do you use for ph, Rx, ppm, etc.
You guys are awesome.
Welcome!! Great advice here on the soils. When it comes to meters, most will recommend Apera or Bluelab.
Welcome to the neighborhood @gj68 you’re always going to get multiple answers on any given question from tons of the best growers on our floating rock! Use the guidance with what works best for you and enjoy the experience of learning all kinds of tips and tricks. I myself use FFHF and FF Trio along with a host of added nutes. Happy Growing!
Happy Frog here mixed with perlite, worm castings, and fox farm fruit and flower 4-9-3. Then top dress once with fruit and flower during flowering. Going to use some Recharge on this new grow to see how I like it.