What size pot for auto's

I been using 7gl can I go smaller

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I use both 3 and 5 gallon fabric pots. I have a 3x3 tent so 5 gallon is the max size for 4 plants. 3 gallon is a lot easier to maneuver around for watering etc. Production wise, I don’t know if there is much difference. It is more me than than the pot size.


I think 5 gallon fabric pots is a good size for autos, but I have noticed there’s a lot of difference in the fabric pots depending on what brand you get. Some short and wide some tall and skinny. And I have noticed some 5 gallon look more like three gallon. Good to look at Dimensions before you order.


I’m noob, but have half in 1.5g and half in 2.5g had 6 males that I had to remove at 3.5-4 weeks and they had very little root size whether they came out of the 1.5 and 2.5 pots. I’m talking like 2" long by 1.5" wide.

You can definitely go smaller. You would want to take other things into consideration. Indoor or outdoor, how large of space, and how many plants you intend to run if indoor.