What’s your cure (I want to know your method)

Looking to see who does what for curing, if you’re using some form of automation or tech (even low grade), I would be keen to hear about it. Please share?

Lots of Growers using Grove Bags. They have “Terp-Loc Technology” (their actual term) that uses 2way breathing and keeps the bags between 58-62% rh. No burping necessary. Just bag and store.

You can also use Mason jars, but you have to burp them daily for a couple of weeks until the rh maintains at the numbers above.


Jars and burp them. 2x for a week, 1x for a week, when the hay smell goes away I keep them vac sealed until use.


I used Grove bags for a couple years…I get great results. I still use them for part of my harvests. I recently got a Cannatrol dry cure…great tech and outstanding results. Pricey…but worth every penny.

Just looked them up, might give that a go. How long do they require to cure?

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Thanks for sharing. :grin:When I was growing before that was my option of choice bit of a muck about cause I was using 1/2 pint jars.

Didn’t want to get rot though, not sure if the worry was real.

What size can you use with out running into problems?

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Like these, that price has a bit of spice to it…

Do they really get it done in 8 days?

@Puddlehead i use qt jars for cure then into 1/2 gal jars for storing.

I do a long dry in a very controlled environment. I then put everything in 1/2gal jars and seal away. I check them once every few days to see if they need burping, but I’m finding that the better I control my dry the less burping my jars need later. My last round is a little over a month old and I still haven’t had to burp any of them.


Grove Bags? As long as the weed takes I gues. I normally start ripping away as soon as the dry is over lol. But normally around 4wks the flavor really starts gettin juicy. I had some i forgot about for like 6 months and it was on freakin point lol.

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They are dried and shelf stable in 8 days…the technical def of cure…and very smokable…but does get better the longer you keep it in there. It was excellent after a few weeks.

I do 8-weeks in Grove bags before I smoke at all.


I was using Cvaults back in the day just found one, lol. That was the most brittle flower you have ever seen, must have been a pound in there. To bad it’s over 5 years old​:sob::joy:.

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I would expect cvault to perform better than that for the price? Do they have to have humidity packs? Just wondering because of the cost, I figured it was for long term storage. I use groves currently, and other similar cure bags because of volume… the oldest flower I have is around 3 years. Not dried out, yet. I do wonder how long it would take. lol.


Not sure the biovida lasts that long… I have a few, put it in a storage area and forgot about it….

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I usually give mine 90 days in a jar before I smoke much but 30 is a good start if you don’t have much to smoke in the mean time. If moisture content of the cannabis is right and the seal on the jar is good I’ve stored for up to 3 years with no boveda packs. I have had some stored even longer from the feller that got me started. No Idea how long is too long, but it’s a long time.

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I was just curious if for long term it would hold its own if sealed. :call_me_hand:t3:

I am sure it would, the vault itself was still sealed, the weed was over 5 to 7 years old though. Even with healthy containers, the thc still breaks down.:grin: nothing is for ever, just ask my boyish good looks. :joy: