Just noticed these little white dots this morning. Pests or deficiency? I didn’t see anything abnormal under the leaves, just those same white dots bleed through the same spot on the other side of the leaf.
It happens, pretty common and nothing to concern yourself with.
Agreed they look good. These little abnormalities seem to happen to seedling more often with a hydro grow. They usually adapt to the hydro setup quickly. Did you start them in a cube or rock wool, or did you drop the germinated seeds directly into the stones?
Yep. Blemishes come and go. If you worry about all of them you’ll drive yourself crazy.
Really? They all popped up at the same time this morning, had me worried. Germinated in rockwool, they’re about 18 days old from sprout.
Be vigilant, if they are adapting then the new growth should start looking better. The yellowing in second picture would concern me more than the tiny spots. So you are saying that you recently moved them from rock wool to the buckets? If so you maybe overwatering, or the reservoir is too full at this stage of the plant. Really need more info about your setup, and maybe a more experienced hydroponic grower.
The lighter color of the new growth?
Yes, when I think there is an issue I focus mainly on the new growth for signs of improvement. Some of those spots will never heal, so look for the older growth to hold its own. After making changes to the grow technique.
Are you running a flood and drain system?
Chlorophyll should fill them in with darker shade of green within a couple of days.
They’re still in rockwool. I germinated in the cubes, then once the first nodes leaves were about an inch long, I move the cubes to the net pots and hydroton. Water level 1.5-2” below net pot.
It might just be the picture making it look like yellowing, all of the new growth I’ve ever had is a lighter shade of green than the older leaves. The bigger the new growth gets the more mature the green becomes.
I’m running DWC out of a tote from Lowe’s.
Here some better pics of the whole plant, can’t really see the blemishes from this angle. I mostly take Birds Eye pics in early veg to track progress of new growth, but this is about a 24 hour difference. I don’t have any issues with growth at the moment but I was worried I might in a few days if it was an early onset symptom of an issue.
But if y’all say it’s normal then I’ll just keep on keepin on with what I’m doing just make sure it doesn’t get any worse.
They look pretty healthy. Chlorophyll will fill in the new growth with a darker shade of green over the next few days. Expect all new growth to be equally “yellowed” and then resolved with a few days.
Yeah it’s always looked more like a younger green than yellow to me. This is only my third grow, I’m a noob, but it the new growth looks the same as the last 2 runs.
I would be happy with those plants. Just keep a close eye on them, and keep asking questions about them. This is just part of learning what the plants are telling you.
Not related, but does anyone have any experience with great white? I’ve heard good things about people who use it in hydro. But when I tried it, I couldn’t keep my Ph under control. It would rise from 5.8 to 6.5 in a matter of hours and as fast as 90 minutes. Nuts. Heard from someone else that great white will raise your ph if res temps are around 65, so I raised it to 70 and still had issues. Now I’m just gonna run peroxide since I can’t figure it out lol but I’m curious if anyone else has dealt with that?
Btw I did try to go the hydroguard route but I can’t get it in NC. Thought about southern ag but it’s mad concentrated and I always hear about that stuff turning everything to slime.
Microbe products and peroxide should not be used together. It’s not going to cause an immediate problem, but it’s a waste of microbes (money) because peroxide will kill the microbes in your grow media.
Sorry I can’t comment on the pH issue. I’m not a hydro grower and haven’t seen the question addressed here before.
Welcome fellow NC grower
Amazon has hydroguard available for delivery but does have it at a almost 2week delivery time even with prime. Might be different based of your area tho. Thought id mention it
When I tried it, Amazon gave me a message that said the order couldn’t be completed because of my address
Booo sorry about that
Yeah that was my point, I meant because it wasn’t working for me i was just gonna kill it off and run a sterile grow. I added peroxide this morning and the Ph stabilized