Dark Spots on Plant

Hello, I just recently noticed there are dark spots appearing on my young plant. The plant is 1 month old, in a DWC bucket, hydroton, rockwool cube, Distilled water with a PH of 6.2, under a 150watt LED and it’s White Widow. There are no nutrients in the water and I just recently switched to Distilled water and I have no clue what these spots are but I know they can’t be good. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The spots aren’t that noticeable but there are more of them coming.

Can you take a picture under normal light will help be able to diagnose


This is as close as I could get with the camera being able to focus

I’m with hog. Take another pic with the led off as you can be sure what you’re looking at unless we are under natural or white light.

Very noticeable spot on the left, slight dis colorization elsewhere. That is probably the best pic I’ll get, it’s in a closet and I can’t move it out because of the roots. I was reading somewhere that it could be calcium deficiency which would make sense because it is growing in distilled water with no nutrients.

Anyone know what this could be? @ktreez420 @Matthew420 @peachfuzz @Hogmaster

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I would start adding nutrients at a quarter strength for now… with a dab of cal mag and some Hydrogard… :wink: most people would say no… but there is no nutritional value in Ro water… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:


Does Hydro normally grow this slow? I’m at like day 30 now and I see plants that are like 10 times my size at this point

Right now you should be putting in at least two mil per gallon of hydro guard and 1 mil of orca which both of those are just to help your roots become more established …i’ve noticed that with Hydro my little plants take a while to get going but then once they do they blow past my soil plants and vice versa if I have little plants that I started out in soil they tend to grow pretty big really quick but then later on down the line seem to lag in late vegetative growth if that makes any sense… not sure why that is thoe… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

What does Hydroguard and orca do? I was told the nutrients that I have should be all the nutrients its gonna need. They are Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A+B perfect PH.

Hydroguard and orca are not nutrients they are simple beneficial organisms to help sustain and create your roots… they create an environment between your root system and whatever you’re growing in to help in nutrient and water absorption and keep your roots vibrant and healthy… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

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Cheers man appreciate the information, are they both absolutely necessary? I ask because I’m already past my initial budget.

You have already went this far and you have already spent those dollars… to spend a few dollars more for a huge return is well worth it… sometimes you have to think of the things that you buy as an investment and other things that you buy you must understand are maybe a gimmick… but if you read enough and you do your homework , there are things out there that are absolutely necessary for you to be able to make this whole process worth your wild and then some and still be a good guy on top of that and help as many people as you can … now if that makes any sense…
I would tell you to get the hydroguard for sure and look into the Orca and then yes you will want it and I would tell you for sure to get it as well… they are a little pricey but they are definitely worth it in Hydro … I’m kind of a jerk to my plants and i have had a pH reading of down to 2 with a nutrient PPM reading of 25 on a plant that’s almost 3 months old and should have died but didn’t… just got mad and those readings probably lasted at least a week without killing the plant and maybe it had to do with the hydro guard or maybe it had to do with the Orca… but either way I would highly recommend them to you and I don’t think you would be spending your money unwisely to do so… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

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Can it wait a week? That is as soon as I can get both the Hydroguard and the Orca. Thanks again for the information and help I greatly appreciate it. oh and how much Cal Mag do you add per gallon? And how often do you add the cal mag, hydroguard and orca? Once a week with the nutrients?

Since me and @Donaldj have been speaking I have lowered my Cal Mag down to one mil per gallon , my hydroguard is 2 mil per gallon and my Orca is one mill per gallon and then I ad 1 mil or 2 mil of my grow , 1 mil or 2 mil of my micro and 1 mill or 2 mill of my Bloom depending on what stage of growth… also I am using GH Grow products if that helps any… I’m not sure about your Advanced Nutrients as far as what you should be using that’s the only thing I can’t help you with just because I don’t use it… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

That is called base nutrients every plant is slightly different and craves different things at stages if you feed too strong too early you burn roots and then plant uses it’s energy to repair or replace them. I love 3 part nutes for root development AN GH doesn’t matter what matters is you can tailor feedings low N mid range PK. I start nutes super slow in hydro 200 ppm or lower even and watch for plants to start to change color than add more N and bump ppm with Cal mag [quote=“BrotherManBill, post:1, topic:9475”]
PH of 6.2,

I also keep very strict on ph for first 3 weeks as I am slowly raising ppm

To me a 2 part base nutrient only has everything if at full strength and even then may be lacking in 1 or 2 things which help improve health and vigor of your ladies

A 3 part nutrient system would allow using the micro and bloom parts only for a food boost, at a very low ppm of 100-200 right now…as it’s been mentioned there are no nutrients in the reservoir water…no grow part, just a boost of root type food.

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That is day 31 no nutes

That is overnight with 1/4 nutes, the leaves perking up more and becoming slightly less flat, is that a good sign or a bad sign?

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