What in Gods green earth are these?

ok, so whats going on here? PS im a newb and in that whole trial and error thing growing these bad boys

I had a few WWA extra seeds so i thought id see how they went in a greenhouse that doesnt get much light maybe 3-5 hours direct sunlight a day the rest is indirect, now i didnt have any hopes for these plants as they were kinda an experiment in nutes as well and how much of what they could take

so theyre 10 weeks old and look like this, alot of the leaves only developed 3 points, kinda seems like they stopped developing at some point

swollen calyx?

why do they look like this? just not growing properly because not enough light?
should i continue to let them grow?
or are these a lost cause?

they look weird, but smell great

any takers?

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fox tails. Is there any way of getting more light at

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just reading up on fox tails now as im not too educated on them, so a light issue? was more or less what i was thinking where they are

You should let them finish. Some autos are strong in ruderalis genes and will do this. They constantly look like they are in a state of reveg and spit out foxtails like that.


i had another WWA that was out in full sun and did the same thing,almost to a higher extent, it finished and smoked up fine just looked a little funny

Lol @BobbyDigital got me again

Most definitely agree with em let her finish, where you stated ur greenhouse only gets 3-5 hrs aday, More would help

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theyre getting a bit more now as the summer days get longer here down under, so they are definitely filling out just slowly, ok so bottom line is… theres nothing horribly wrong with them and now i know what foxtailing is, this forum is the best cheers fellas @Unknown @BobbyDigital


@BobbyDigital is like the wind, hes everywhere

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Always lurking lol an full of info much respect to ya @BobbyDigital


It’s just another reason I’m not a fan of autos. I can’t seem to get a good phenotype. My hats off to Nicky and those that solely grow autos and grow them exceptionally.


my indoor ones seem to do great, outdoor ones are hit and miss for sure

Same, I had an outdoor one that produced a huge cola and then one that just foxtailed so bad it was useless. Indoor ones have produced ok but they have all been fluffy buds.


yea i got some fluffy buds atm, 3 weeks left so hoping they dense up

Is it just auto or strain relato

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from my indoor WWA at 10 weeks old


They’ve all been blueberry autos. They get big but they just don’t dense up


Very nice!

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Holy smokes

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ive noticed a coors light can is a reference point for alot of growers on here lol

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what kinda yield did you get from that plant? looks like a monster cola for an auto

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