I think I have been here ince Sept. or Oct. of 2018. I just loved all the information and the willingness of people to help. I have started my first grow here and usually keep to myself unless I have questions.
Now for the sad…I have watched thus place change in a very short time. I was having an issue and went to ask a fellow grower, she’s no longer here. So I thought hey I’ll hit her friend up and she’s been banned. I started noticing others getting banned for disagreements on how a grow can or can’t be done. With the smug attitude of prove it. I thought we were here because we are lovers of marijuana. I’ve seen mods jump to conclusions and then ego’s swell. A lot of really good people are not here today because of people’s egos. I feel like people are being shut down for the wrong reasons. And we all know there are quite a few missing people that make this place click.
If I am banned oh well life goes on. I just think how nice it use to be…
What members are you in reference to??
@ Familyman That was going to be my next question.
The only time one of our members get sent home is because of their
language they use when talking to a Mod or other member or someone selling ect.
No complaints here, all positive @QtPatooty
I know a lot of people went to the lab when they had their last special going.
From what I hear nothing special going on as of wright now.
I treat members as I want to be treated, and that’s with some respect.
Hand if i’m wrong i’ll be the first one to stand up and admit it and then move on
Personally i think its an awesome site.im a fairly new member and iv learned alot of different ways to do things since then.when i ask a question i get responces if not within am hour or 2 surely by the next day.i wish i would of joined earlier so i could relate, but as a new member im so happy to have this forum to turn to
Thank you for that kind remark, We do try to resolve issue’s in a civil manner but some fokes just want to take it to a hole new level … and we will respond
I get the feeling this is trying to be made into a thing
… or its in relation to an issue with another member thats happened very recently #growoff
I have pretty good idea of who you’re referring to. If I’m correct, that member was in violation of several forum policies. Was before my time of joining staff, but I seen some of it transpire as a member. From my perspective at the time it was the members behavior after being asked to abide by the forum policies that landed them in the position of current status. As far as any friends of said member, that would be on them. If I’m correct on first guess, then i can tell you the other member has posted in lab forum that she was taking some time off after her last harvest.
I’m not sure if that answers your questions, but best I have at the moment. The other stuff is difficult subject. While I don’t personally care how anyone grows, what they use, or what they think is best, we do have to make sure the information we’re passing along to other members is accurate as possible. So if someone posts something a little off the wall, it should be reasonable to ask for more information. Especially if presented as a matter of fact vs ones personal opinion. I’ve yet to see anyone reprimanded for having a difference in opinion though, that stands as a regular member and as part of the staff.
This is one of the places where - at least to my infrequent visitor eyes - things fall down. Even if someone posts something wildly incorrect, or something that has zero scientific evidence to back it, common courtesy should rule the day. Some people demonstrate that they are either incapable of that or unwilling, so I just don’t offer them my opinion. I don’t need to be told I’m stupid or that my advice is unwanted after someone asked for it. I already know I’m stupid and I already know my advice is probably unwanted.
It’s never good optics to talk down to someone who is trying to help you.
I’ve been on here about 1 1/2 years. All I can say is, I wished I would have found it sooner. People are different, come from different upbringings, cultures, etc. I haven’t been treated anyway but friendly. Even when discussing LED lights with my little buddy @dbrn32. Although it was evident I didn’t know my ass from a whole in the ground about lights, he NEVER talked down to me. @Bogleg has ALWAYS been ready to help, as has several others. @garrigan62 is a dear individual that has delusional episodes of thinking soil is better. I have delusional episodes of thinking hydro is better. And they ARE, for us. I’ve seen some jerks on here, but very few. I think it’s an awesome site and an AWESOME group of people
hahaha … you got me pegged GrandaddyHydro …
Love ya man
You to brother … you kill me some times that’s why I love this place it fokes like you
Did I miss it again? Drat.
I did too. I think it was about a month ago.
What was so special about their special ? Just wounding that’s all
I think it was deeply discounted. Not really sure though as I still free load around here
I hear ya.