Is it me or has the forum posting slowed recently?

Is it me, or has the recent traffic here in the forum slowed down relative to past months? Seems like we aren’t seeing the number of new posts that we used to.


I have noticed its different too. Cant put my finger on just exactly what it is. New posts slowed? I think maybe that’s part of it. I noticed yesterday that reply’s from the regulars are not coming in on posts either. I see a question or post and it gets one or two replies and then lingers in the void without anything. I tag people and they just ignore the tag. Perhaps its just we all feel the stresses of life and the winter slow down.
What are you thinking?


Maybe cyclical and possibly some of it is the absence of outdoor growers given the season. I just can’t remember it ever being this slow, and I’ve been here pretty regularly for 4 years. I’ve only missed a string of 5 or 6 months due to family problems. I’ve otherwise been here nearly daily.

Maybe having COVID behind us contributes too. Expect a lot of people were spending a lot of time indoors on hobbies (e.g. growing) and whatnot.


Speaking of membership duration; it looks like you have a 5-year cannaversary coming up next week.


I started when Missouri legalized medical and home grow.
The vote was in November and I found this forum a short time after.
Cannabis is the only thing I can grow well. My dad was a master gardener and I grew up eating mostly home grown food. In southern California in Lemon Grove he had a garden. Now our lot was 50 x 135 ft with a house set back 25ft from the road, so you can imagine the garden was not huge. But mom canned green beans and beets and other stuff, He planted a couple rows of plants that would harvest early and the placed later plants in the same row to later take over the space.
I cant keep a simple tomato plant alive.


I tried bell peppers and tomatoes in the back yard a few years ago and didn’t do so well, but I can kill it with herbs in the grow tent. I have done well with basil, cilantro, dill, rosemary and so on.


Thank god cilantro will grow without my help. I love the stuff and just toss seeds in a few spots around the house and I get enough to make salsa and put on the carne asada tacos.


Alot are on the sister ship.


I am unaware of what that is. ???


Old Berstrom Lab

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Bergmans Lab


The lab has been closed for at least a year now. I was a member there.


I thought that was shut down some time ago.

It has been open since then

Doesnt explain for new posts though.

I just checked the Lab. All threads and categories are closed to posting.

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It has new name, i felt that posting my info twice was not using time wisely. So i dont frequent there as much.

Well here we are on a 30 minute old new thread and only the three of us showing up. This used to happen occasionally like on Sundays when its always slow, but its pretty common now for the last few weeks.


There is a new(ish) journals site, but people don’t use it much. It is completely separate from the lab.

Sorry, members by invite only