What causes “Red Eyes”?

Why do some folks get very red eyes when they smoke? What causes “red eyes”? What can be done to prevent red eyes, other than eyes drops to “get the red out”? I’ve never come across any explanation. Thanks!


Dilation of the blood vessels causing increased blood flow. Not really much to prevent it.


I hate a made who’s eye colour would go from brown to green when he was smoking hard it was the weirdest :joy:


I get red eyes from coughing my brains out whenever I take bong hits. Any other way I smoke it I dont get red eyes.


Great weed causes red eyes! Lol


I’ll hit the pipe all day and hardly get dry eyes much less red. Cotton mouth, for sure, alllll day. Gallons of water go through me daily.
Now if I roll and smoke a blunt, 30 mins later my woman will look at me and say “damn your high”… I nod in agreement :green_heart::metal:t2: hard red eyes, contacts feel like sanding disk


When I was in school in the 80s, I got the fabulous idea that if I wore a diving mask while I smoked, my eyes wouldn’t get red. Of course it didn’t work!


Thanks for that image. Lol


Everybody that laughs at that has done similar dumb shit like that and it seemed completely rational at the time.

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Im toking 24/7 so folks have never seen me “normal” :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Totally! Lol

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Oh that’s fantastic! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I would see Isleofdogs coming around the corner with a snorkel mask on and be like awww snap, time to get baked. HAHA!!!

The mask rubber and head strap was bright yellow, if that helps you visualize it :slightly_smiling_face:


I get that. I haven’t seen me normal in so long I wouldn’t recognize me!


I get dry red eyes every time I dry herb vape and use eye drops everyday.
I noticed that some strains are worse than others for red eye and dry coughing. I found on the National Institute for Health dot gov website is the side effects of the terpene Carene found in strains like Bubblegum is known to cause dry eyes and coughing, so I avoid those strains. Drinking lots of water, cold / warm compress all help as well.

Thanks for the info.

THC causes blood vessels to dilate (widen), which increases blood flow. This includes the blood vessels in the eyes, leading to a red appearance. Some these substances can irritate the eyes, causing them to become red and inflamed. This effect can occur with any type of smoke, not just cannabis.

Drinking plenty of water before and after smoking may help to reduce the drying effect smoke can have on your eyes. And some strains of cannabis that are higher in cannabidiol (CBD) and lower in THC may lead to less pronounced red eye effects, though individual responses can vary.

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