So my first grow harvesting a gg#4 hopefully this weekend and 2 bb#3 in probably 2 weeks or so. Can I make hash with wet or dry trim? Most I read said wet trim but I live in low Rh so I think a dry or a partial wet/dry trim will be best. Thanks you all are great and very knowledgeable.
Dry trim, cure and screen.
This from a guy that knows!!!
Page up and see what his temple balls look like.
What type of hash are you looking to make?
Not quite sure yet honestly. Haven’t decided if I want to buy cold water bags or soft screens. That is probably a decision I should make pretty soon huh. Thanks for pointing that out Ive been so worried about harvesting and dry/curing I forgot about that part.
Seriously, you need to cure your cannabis before you make hash from it. The process of the cure is super important for bringing forward the terpines and making the smoke smooth and powerful. You cant cut corners with cannabis if you want grade A smoke.
That said, if you wish to make concentrates, such as shatter, or edibles… yeah go ahead and use what you have. Good quality hashish is a process. Id be happy to help you through it.
I kinda think the dry sift is superior to ice water hash, for a couple reasons… firstly, its the traditional method, we have vastly superior screens than a silk cloth used by hashashins in the East. Also, you can bounce for the finest grade of hashish ( kief ) and still utilize the remaining material for edibles, you cant do that if you wash the weed down. Its basiclally compost after that.
Even after it gets to this stage, there is still aging to be done, good hashish is usually a year or 2 old before its smoked.
Hey @beardless , just walked out to the greenhouse and looked at one of my plants and low and behold… I got a black Afghani phenotype! Ive been waiting for years for black buds. Ill get some photos as they get a bit bigger, I suppose I could photo the buttons but it isnt as noticeable as a bud. Im so excited! Ive had red, pink, white, but this is my first black. The farmers prize them and save them for special hashish… the locals and tourists dont get the black bud.
Congrats Happy for you. Love to see some photos.
Awesome thanks. I never so some much went into it. I’m obviously better product through proper care but 2 yrs. I’ll take you up on that offer to walk me through the process.
Oh the wonderful world of hash. To each there own on this one.
As a true believer in the methods of Frenchie, water hash is much more superior. Lol we will all say the methods we like are the best.
Try dry ice hash. That’s fun.
For me this being my first go around I’m kinda going for less costly price wise. I don’t mind the labor part it’s the $$$.
For bubble hash all you need is a set of bags $40 buckets $15 paint mixer $6 and a lot of ice l wouldn’t use fresh frozen gets all tangled in the mixer.
I dont know if you can see the black? But its easy to see in person. Im sure once its past the button stage it should be more obvious.
Is that a screen that you have that on? I imagine that works good for drying?
That’s screen comes with the bag kit from bubble boy’s and yes I use it for drying put it on a cake rack in the fridge for a few days.
No no no please do now use a paint mixer. It works ‘ok’ if it’s your first time. It smashed the products causing extra material to break off.
When making bubble hash it’s not the slapping of the paddle nor the smashing of the ice that is suppose to cause the resin heads to detach. It’s the cold temperatures that that should crack the resin head off the materiel. This getting trapped in the vortex of the spinning water. It then follows the vortex down to the bottom/drain. (If using a washer)
The cold temperatures are getting closer. About time for hash season to start.
Happy hashing…
so you take weed ,trim and leaves throw in a 5 gallon bucket ICE and blend up with a mixer /drill with beater. How long do you beat up the mixture? then do you run it thru like coffee filters? I have a lot of trim and stuff sitting downstairs and I think I could use it. Is this The Way? @beardless @420noob @retirementJOB @HippieRunner1 @Cannabian We have no extra money to buy things.Thanks
I beat it for about five minutes and then to the bubble bags and I do each batch 3 times