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Hello this is my first time growing and I’m growing outdoors, the plant is in soil right now and the lower leafs and middle leafs keep dying off. Not sure what is causing this


Hey there newbie, looks healthy sort of. You look like your needing more light and a bigger pot with more soil. Maybe a bit of food too. Are you feeding anything?
I would get a bigger pot, 5 gallon bucket with holes in the bottom will do. Id use some dyno mycos or something when i transplant. Get some fox farm ocean forest your little plant will become a bush in no time. Give as much sun as possible after transplanting, after she gets settled in of course. Couple days in the shade nefore full sun


Got my BLUR DREAM AUTO delivered today
Added them a glass of declorinated water .(2 seeds)

Will transfer them to a wet paper towel after 14hrs .

@Paliku @Jaysittinback

1 Like

Nice, this set should work out for the better!

Keep us updated on your progress, I have a feeling you should be able to work through any challenges quicker since you know what you’re looking for.

Happy growing!


Thank you sir
Needed a opinion
Which pot do I use after seed germination to plant them… I don’t know the exact size of the pots …

I have 2 seeds germinating …which pot or cups do I play them in?or the big pot itself would be fine


The big pot will work for a auto if you don’t have a monster pheno. Fabric pots are ideal you can get them in just about any size. 3 gallon pot for a auto is good. The fabric let’s the plants roots get oxygen. :v::call_me_hand:


Thank you sir…I have been germinating BLUR DREAM AUTO …the site I bought says…it will be ready for harvest in about 70-80days …tried getting fabric pot …since it is my first actual grow…I just don’t want to invest too much…if the plants turn out well after a couple weeks…I surely will transfer it to a fabric pot …
Since I don’t have full spectrum lights…I just want to wait for a bit and then upgrade anything…


Those numbers are vague to say the least. You can almost bet it’s gonna be at least 2 weeks longer. I’ve got 6 years under my belt and have yet to grow one that was ready when they say. :v::call_me_hand:


The BLUE DREAM have germinated in just 1 and a half days (thats insane) …had one seed in the soil and thought to experiment a bit with the other , will be planting it after 6-8hrs .
Lightly sprayed water , since the soil mix was a bit moist.

Soil mix - 60% coco , 20% earthworm castings, 15% perlite, 5% Npk granules.

Under just normal leds about 250-300 ppfd
Will be receiving my small full spectrum light by 5 days .

Any help and advice is appreciated

Thanks to @Paliku @Jaysittinback @Dman1969 @OGIncognito for their inputs …:raised_hands:


Hi neighbor good stuff thats fast. My opinion that looks like an 8L pot, too small. You might feed or water twice a day later. Try 16 to 20L soil.
Building soil with coco or growing soil-less? Change the mix there are a few ways. 1:1:1 potting mix is 1/3 coco peat or moss, 1/3 perlite/porous material and 1/3 organic matter or compost. Gardener Scott on the tube, making potting mix. There are better ways if you have products made for growing weed


Took this pic tonight wondering about 2 leaves in.the middle with brown spots on them also yellowing just spread this canopy out and found this what do you guys think


Happy to see you’re moving along but it’s best not risk contaminating seeds/sprouts by handling them. Sterilized tweezers is typically the best option, or try latex/nitrile gloves.


Thanks, been using miracle grow plant food but doesn’t seem to be working well will try your advice


I was just reading thru and wondered if anybody was going to mention proper sprout handling etiquette. Thanks Guru. Hope you are having a blast on the water. Happy Growing :sunglasses:


Miracle Grow has come along way in a short time but it is not formulated for cannabis that I’m aware of. Find a fertilizer that is for cannabis and you will have a lot better results. Some ppl grow with MG with success I just can’t remember who they are it just wasn’t me. Keep on keepin on your in the best place you can be for Growin weed. :sunglasses::v::call_me_hand:
Fox Farm has good soil and nutrients and there prices are decent.


@MeEasy was working “miracles” using Miracle Grow… :wink: :nerd_face:




@RightAway male of female or to early to tell. I can’t see ,

I’m blind in one eye and can’t see out or the other thanks.


@Onelife You didn’t ask me but I see pistils so you got a female. Happy Growin :sunglasses::v::call_me_hand: