I feel depleted and exhausted. I was lolipopping my girls today and I noticed a cluster of what looks likes nanners. They look like they opened up and most likely pollinated the room. I got these girls from a trusted source supposedly
I’m going to attach some pics if anyone can weigh in I’d greatly appreciate it.
Those are difinitely male flowers opened up. Is that the only cluster? If so, spray it with water, pull and trash it. You will probably have seeds, but i wouldn’t think a whole lot. I had a male flower show up on an auto in my tent and got 1 or 2 seeds every 7 or 10 grams, so not disappointed.
Edit, just realized branch is cut, so throw that bad boy far away
There is a significant reduction. I don’t know how much percentage wise. It will still be smokable. Seeded weed was all we smoked back in the 70’s unless we could get some of what we called sensemilla back then.
Best you can do is get rid of it and wipe down your grow space to limit residual pollen. That said it’s not going to matter a whole lot. The male sacs have opened and released pollen already.