1st time grower, in 7th week of flower which is final/flush week for my 3 Quick Critical Plus plants and coming up on harvest time for the other plants with longer flowering periods. I’m growing from all feminized seeds, all photoperiods, no autos.
Much earlier in the process I checked the sex and they all looked female to my novice eye but I wasn’t sure about one of the quick critical plus plants so I posted this thread: Hermie paranoia or reality? Please help. Most people thought I was dealing with female parts so I just let it go at the time.
So last night I cut a few of the smaller/lower Quick Critical buds and used the microwave drying process to get them ready to test the product, and there’s SEEDS in my grinder! Shit.
I am guessing that if there has been “male participation” in my garden all this time, it means at least the entire tent has been pollinated and won’t be producing decent weed. I have two tents with about 2 feet of clear space between them, but I often have both tents unzipped for hours at a time, leaving all the plants within pollination range of one another.
So I’m guessing this means at least one and probably both tents were pollinated by a male earlier in the grow, and that it means my entire crop is likely to have low potency and be full of seeds.
Is there anything I can/should do at this late date to try and save the remaining crop? In particular, the 2nd tent is full of Sativas that still have over a month to go before harvest. If they’ve all been pollinated already, that’s a real drag!
Thanks in advance!
p.s. If there’s anything in specific I should take and post photos of, please let me know what.