The spot on the leaf is clear over spray burn and nothing to worry about.
Your plant however, it’s got really good potential as small as it is with all those long branches. I’d have them tied down (open her up) letting all that light in there and she’ll bush like a 1980s (well I’ll leave that one alone)
In short, I dream of autos starting like this to administer the low stress training. Assuming you have proper lighting
Thanks for the reassurance!!
They are already showing pistils.
I haven’t added nutrients yet, I’m using fox farm so next week (week 4) I’m adding nutrients.
I’m changing my grow environment to flowering stage next week aswell.
As far as the plant growing in a L shape, will me just leaning it straight fix it?
Also for LST I guess I’ll just use some benders from Amazon.
I do believe that you would benefit from silica to strengthen your stems and branches. I would use it after low stress training. The branches can get very hard and LST can actually snap them trust me I’ve done it.
Heat and humidity can cause the taco leaves. Also the light. If your average temperature and humidity are in the correct vegetation range then I would say reduce the light slightly.