Hi new to growing and currently trimming undergrowth of my plants as im lollipopping. Question is, should i throw away the stems? Or can i get high with them? I hear making keif or hash requires stem that had flower on it but these plants didnt start flowering yet so i dont know if theres any use for these. Any thoughts?
I never keep them around haha don’t have a use for them if they have any cannabinoids at all it’s next to nothing so useless to some I have heard of people throwing them in with trim or bud for edibles or topicals but for me it’s not worth the effort
As far as THC no but can you eat them yes. They are very fibrous. When I make butter I save all my stuff but I don’t put stems in it. They say you can do it with hemp. Eat the whole plant. That it has protein in it.
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Don’t drink bong water either. Lol Just joking
Haha yeah your right no use because its just a reg plant at this point lol
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Ill add it to my protein shake thanks haha jk
Not much good for anything other than fiber.