Used Neem oil on flowering plants, need advice

From a fellow grower: I was out spraying neem oil after reading how good it is for cannabis that has the white powdery fungus. I only had one plant with one little spot on the stem, but read that it could turn into a big deal if not dealt with. I read neem oil is okay to use right up till close to harvest. So I sprayed all the nearby plants. Six of the plants are flowering. Then I came in and read not to spray on buds. So I gave the plants a rinse with water cause I didn’t want to lose those buds. Are the buds still safe? Still a few weeks out from harvest.


You should be fine if you’re a few weeks out. The buds absorb Neem oil, so if used frequently, then the taste will be harsh after harvest, as the oil doesn’t rinse or wash away.

You can use a 50/50 of water and peroxide in a spray bottle for powdery mildew.


When you harvest wash the buds with a water H2O2 solution. You should be good to go.


200w (3)


Thank you for posting this for me ILGM!

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Thank you so much for your time and support! Greatly appreciated! I’ve only done it once. I’m too worried to do it again! Thanks again!


Thank you so very much for your time and support! Greatly appreciated!

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Budwash is the best thing to do regardless if you’re using Neem or Captain Jack’s especially growing outside, what comes from inside the Buds is nasty, Just like washing vegetables fruit or anything you consume


I have an auto that is just about ready to harvest and like a dummy I sprayed.neem oil on it a I wash the neem oil off

I have a auto that is just about ready to harvest and like a dummy I sprayed neem oil on it can I wash the neem oil off with h2o2 and lemon juice

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