My mars hydro tent kit came with a ts 600 light. Need to upgrade. 2×2 tent. Looking for good 150 watt light.any help greatly appreciated
I’d go for the HLG 135rspec over the patriot, personally. No strong reason- the 135 is still 150w but the diodes seem more intentional to me. Also slightly cheaper. DUDE also is a good coupon code for any light you pick from HLG. no wrong choices with them
I have the Diablo 200 in a 32"x32". Would be perfect in a 2’x2’.
Just looked around for the diablo seems too be sold out everywhere
Call HLG and ask if they have any - especially any refurbs maybe. Someone around here got one not too long ago from them for a steal by callin’
A couple days ago, I ordered the double Diablo QB 648 with the double heat sink from HLG. With the code “Dude” I got 20% off, for a $59 discount.
If you go to their website, then go to catalog, then LED components. They presently have the Diablo QB 648 and the QB 288 available with and without the heat sinks. If you go to the single Diablo board page it will give a list of compatible divers for 1 - 4 boards, and when you click on the part number it will take you to some sources for that driver board. If you choose the board other than the Diablo you can call them for driver info, and they are very helpful.
They also have the HLG 150 PATRIOT light and the 135watt QB 288 LED kit in stock.
I think the single Diablo will work very good in your 2x2.
Appreciate all help. Just ordered the patriot