Trimming lower bud sites?

2nd week of flowering and lots of white hairs starting to show. All the main bud sites on the top have a lot of lower bud sites growing off the main ones but there inside the canopy and get little to no light, should I trim them off or just leave her alone to continue flowering ?

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Can you post a side picture of the whole plant? Is it an auto or photo?

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newbie here also, but everything i’ve read over many sites says trim the lower sites that get little or no light.
put the energy into the top buds

Thanks for the quick replies ! I will get some more pics posted shortly

You can take off up to a third of the bottom. It’s not going to be productive anyway.

Otherwise defoliate only as necessary to maintain good airflow within the plant’s canopy.

Do you mean nodes, shoots, fan leaves or all of the above? Isn’t it better to leave even lower fan leaves, if not an airflow issue?

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All of it when the plant is healthy enough to withstand it. The OPs plant is healthy. There will be plenty of foliage left for photosynthesis. It’s a lush plant.


I respect your opinion.

Is your answer the same regardless of auto/photo; whether soil only vs. hydro/bottle-fed; or without seeing how dense the foliage is from a side-view?

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I would take off a little at a time if an auto. Autos can be twitchy.

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3 weeks into flower today


Is your answer the same at 2 weeks of flowering vs 6 weeks, for autos too?

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Yes it is.

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Pruning is more for increasing airflow through the plant than exposing buds to light. The bud sites will find their way to the canopy if they’re worth keeping.

If the lower bud sites didn’t make it to the canopy 3 weeks after flip, I take them out. No reason to waste resources on bud sites that won’t produce much.