Trimming lower leaves

Good morning all.
My plant is almost 8 weeks old. She’s been flowering for a week and a half. Took this picture this morning. Should I trim the lower branches that are shaded now or wait for them to yellow then remove them.
She’s hasn’t been any yellowing of her leaves throughout the grow so far.


Others might do differently but I’d take off everything below red line then thin up some fan leaves and maybe some of the lower sucker branches in middle that won’t make it to top of canopy


Healthy looking plant you have! A lot of photo growers will do a trimming on day 21 after the light flip.


I follow the same rule

These are before and after flower flip shots of the same plant. @PDave420 nice job Growmie on your plant in the pic above it looks happy and healthy :facepunch:


Light flip ?
With auto’s do I need to back of the hours of light ? Im currently giving 21 light and 3 hours dark.

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No.t with auto

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Didnt think so. Thanks for the input.

Ok should I give her nuetrents befor or after trimming. I was going to give nuetrents tomorrow.

I don’t think it will matter when you feed it. But I have never ran autos, but I have read that one needs to be careful when trimming an auto. You may want to do the trimming a little at a time. I am sure others will know more about trimming autos.


BTW I thought there was a chance that your plant was an auto. Since it appears to be more like three weeks into flowering, and I think it about 1 1/2 weeks ago that it changed enough for you to notice.

@Autos-only How do you trim your autos? I know that I have read other auto growers, but can’t think of them at the present to tag.

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I pretty much treat them as photos, I don’t do heavy defoliation just enough to keep air flow good.

I do lolipop about the bottom 12-16inches.

Mostly just hand pluck here and there few times a week.

I will say… I might get some heat for this… but I do cut all the fan leafs off the main stem… I let those lower branches get the light and a good head start while slowing the main down… generally it’s only 3-4 nodes… here is an example of one. This was either day 21 or 22 can’t remember.


I was experiment heavy defoliation, lollipop, and 2 times topped with this auto’s. will cut her down this weekend.

Im not sure if I dont do this I will get this bud size. but pretty sure this is way more negative (like you can see they look not that fat)

IMO defoliation when it needed is perfect if I watch them from top and see a soil surface it is too much for me. generally I remove big old leaves first and then see if any blocking light penetrate to lowest bud site.


:slight_smile: kardel mate looks all trimmed an lookin awesome keep at it mate wow good photo.:slight_smile: