Trimming and Tucking in SCROG questions

So I’m alittle more than halfway through the 2nd week of flower in my first SCROG grow. I’ve been doing lots of tucking and leaf weaving every day so far. Being that it is my first SCROG grow though I’m not 100% on when I am supposed to stop tucking my girls and let them start growing up. I’m pretty sure I must be getting fairly close to it as they’ve stopped growing out as much daily as they were but still are getting a bit of distance for the tuck. It’s been mostly leaf weaving of all the large broad leaves and poppin them under other branches and under the net to expose as much active growth as possible. Here’s a pic of some of the hairs starting to come in sorry for the bad quality…

The other question that I have for the people who have grown a few times in SCROG is are my plants to dense throughout the screen? As in even though all the bud sites are popin up and at the screen do I need to thin some of them out because there are to many? I can tell that there are some parts with at least 4 bud sites coming up through the same hole. I’m gunna keep trying to spread her out but I just don’t want to trim anything that doesn’t have to come off of the plant and I don’t want severe mold issues when my girls start to fill in with buds…

This is what they look like after a night of leaf weaving and tucking. Honestly for me thats the hardest part so far because of my bad back I have a real hard time being bent over and staying in the right position to get everything. Some nights when I look at my girl I can tell exactly where my back gave out haha. The other thing that I can tell is that my girls are severely in need of another undercarridge trim. I don’t have any pics of that right now but trust me its a jungle down there to right now it’s just hard for me to find the time to get to that and all the leaf weaving and tucking in the same night but it will get done very soon. Any advice on that is greatly appreciated as well.

Like I said this is my first SCROG grow so I think next time I’ll be able to get the whole screen filled even if I just have the two plants like this time its all a learning thing but I doubt I will fill the whole screen this time unfortunately. Still looks like it’ll have a whole lot of buds though so I am fairly happy so far


This is what she looked like today after I opened up the tent and she had started to pop back up through the net.

So yea like I said any advice on whether I am going to need to try to thin my girls out a little bit and on how much longer I should be looking at trying to tuck them under the screen would be greatly appreciated. Also if you see something that I’ve been doing very wrong feel free to let me know as I’m a first time SCROG person I’m very open to trying to learn the best way to do this to get the best harvest.
Happy growing all


I think ur girls look great , a little dense but beautiful.

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That is great to hear. I got this far into flower and just started noticing how dense it was going to end up being but its a learning experience and I figure I’ll know more next time

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Im not positive as far as when to stop tucking. I think @TDubWilly knows scrogs pretty well, maybe he will chime in or you could browse through his journals. I think its something about a lazy grower in the title?

But the only real advice I can give is what I learned from my experience. And my experience is minimal, but like you my back is my issue. My next scrog grow I will be setting the plant pot closer to table height, to make checking undergrowth and watering easier. Thats about all I can offer other maybe stop tucking once buttons form?? You’re looking great so far btw!!


I love the idea of getting the height to table height so that it is easier to work on that is something I might have to try to do as well. Today I started moving a empty spare 5 gallon bucket I use for dry ice runs or whatever else I need around the edge of my net with me and sitting on that upside down when my back got really bad haha.
Thanks for the journal advice I’ll start lookin through his pretty soon its always good learning from people with some experience doing it.

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One of the main issues with scrog is the density, you must maintain good airflow through the canopy! Tuck it if you can, if it is a problem pluck it. At two weeks in getting her cleaned up underneath is critical, you want all her energy going to your tops! If it is not above screen it should be removed!


Yea I just started getting nervous about the density of it. I’m gunna be looking at which of the smaller bud sites might be able to be trimmed out to make some room for better air flow. I’m alittle nervous about the mold/bud rot later on in flower so I’m trying to be as proactive as I can be now. I’ll get on that undercarridge trim asap though so that then she can send all that much needed energy right on up. I had given her a really good one earlier on and was able to keep on with her for awhile but then bam all of a sudden it was a jungle under there again. Thanks for the advice


You are welcome ! I am familiar with the back pain of trying to reach under the net…so I sit back and smoke another and continue on :grin: :sunglasses:


@BrokenHippy That looks awesome! Is this actually your first grow or just with the SCRoG?
I’m on my first grow and I think I’m about 2 weeks behind you. Two of my girls branches have popped through the screen and I’m changing to 12/12 on Thursday of this week. I have no idea what I’m doing, but I hope in 2 weeks time my screen will look like yours. How many plants is this?
Keep up the fine work

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Its my first SCROG grow. I’ve been growing for years mostly just LST training my plants out as much as possible (I think that experience really helped with the SCROG grow cause I’ve gotten used to stretching my girls out as much as possible) so I figured that trying out a SCROG net would be the next step in terms of training out the plants. Right now I’ve got two power plant girls in 8 gallon pots in a 4ftx4ft tent. Its been alot of fun trying out the SCROG and lookin at the journals of people on here who really know what they are doing to try to pick up lil tricks and tips.


I’m very glad to hear I’m not the only one who’s still a big fan of the ole fashion toke and trim or toke and tuck when everything gets a lil bit sore. Seems to really help get the pain down alittle bit and center the brain. Then its back into the jungle.

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I actually use a piece of alu. wire to flatten out the canopy a couple weeks after topping, I start with a short piece 12" long and move to a 24" piece later, I call it beaming?

If you look close you can see them in this pic., I form an X on top of plant and this opens her up without using a net!


I like that alot. No net must make it alittle easier to move around her and makes it so you can still have her be mobile. Thats one of the big things that I’ve missed with my net. I used to move my girls all the time now they are just in one place till harvest which I’m getting used to but I still miss being able to move them to see them alittle better.
That method reminds of me the canna tie LST method I was using before I started with the net except I didn’t have it going across the plant I had a whole set up with heavy duty cable ties glued to the plastic pot in a few places and used the canna tie to pull all the branches down as evenly as possible. If I can find some pics of those previous grows I’ll throw them up in a bit. Now this time I did that before placing them under the net and then kinda released everything to grow right up through it.

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So I’ve been in the constant battle of trimming the undercarriage and leaf weaving but now I’m in the third weak of flower and am starting to really see the benefits of my efforts. But man it seems like every time I look under the plants there is more to take off under there…

but now you can really see through the underside of both plants which is very nice… Thats the first of the two plants underside here is the second
They are alot more cleared out now which has helped send all the energy up top to the canopy of my 4x4 tent. Next grow I will be trying to have my girls a lot more trimmed up before I get as far into the grow because getting under the net all the time to keep up with these big girls is pretty hard with my bad back so the better I can set them up the better it will be for me in the long run. All a learning experience. I figure it’ll go that way the first few SCROG runs till I really get things tuned in.

Realized I forgot the canopy of the girls going partway through week three. I’m not sure if they are to dense still because I have some bud sites extremely close to eachother which worries me going further into flower with bud rot and mold later on. I think I’ll have to get a fan I can clip onto the frame I made to hold up my net to keep cycling air above the canopy as well when the tent is closed up because when its open I have a big oscillating fan in the room that is helping to keep everything moving.

There is the whole canopy of both plants. I’ve done the best I can at keeping the two somewhat separated along a middle line moving large branches to somewhat less dense areas but they are definitely starting to meet now. And you can start to get an idea of what I meant by its a bit dense in terms of buds…
Here is a close up of some of the buds to see how they are developing and how close some of them are to each other…

and finally just a close up of one of the buds that is looking fairly nice for how far along it is…


When the buds were first developing I kept damaging them slightly when I was pulling the branches back under the net and doing my constant leaf weaving. I would notice some of the hairs where I had been working on the day before had turned brown and wondered why until I remembered that was where my hands had been and that I tend to be alittle bit rougher with my girls than I should be. Probably also why alot of my broad leaves constantly look chewed up alittle after I’m done with my leaf weaving but I’m trying to do better about being more gentle. I just haven’t had to do that much of the leaf weaving at once before when I had my large plants just LST trained they seemed to be able to get alittle more light around and this time I feel like I need to get more of them back under the net and out of the way of the active bud sites etc… so that everything that really needs the light can get it. As before if anyone has more advice on further trimming or taming of these girls I’m totally open to it but I’m fairly happy with the results so far. Just alittle nervous for how dense everything looks like it could be going forward. Happy growing all