Broke ground on 6.12.22 so we’re 2 weeks in a burpee with stonington blend. Do i need to wait a bit longer or send em to their forever home?
Get them in forever pots you won’t look back and the girls will reward you well for it
Go for it they are ready.
Looks good, give them a couple of weeks and you won’t recognize the plants. water in about a 6 inch circular pattern to the outside of the plant will let the root reach out for water good luck
If they’re autos, you can avoid the shock by putting a decent layer of the soil it is growing in on the bottom of your hole and moisten it a little. That way the roots will still be touching the soil they started in. This has helped me avoid stunting them. I also sprinkle Mykos in the hole. I don’t know if it helps, but it doesn’t hurt them @ChittyChittyBangin
@OldSkunk these are photo, its Gelato and Sunset Sherbert. ( trying to get zskittles to germ )
i started them in Coast of Maine Stonington Blend. I transplanted into the same. Im thinking of starting some autos, just to be able to harvest a little more faster from them. Here is day 2 of ground break to right before transplant today. Right at 2 weeks.
They’re on track for 2 weeks @ChittyChittyBangin . Shouldn’t be any shock with photos. I always put them in a moist hole. I use rooter pods cause I start in soil but switch to hydro. Used to be soil only. I like the results a lot better with hydro and no bugs.