Lifelong Consumer, Beginner Grower!

Good evening folks! I am a new grower and want to make sure everything is looking kosher. I have one Gelato and one Sunset Sherbert that popped the soil on 06.12.22. I am using Coast of Main Stonington Blend soil and have been following Humboldts instructions. Im using a Vivosun VS2000 18/6 cycle. Can i get an honest opinion? Thanks in advance!


Welcome to the community!!! Looking good!! This is your new happy place! Good luck and happy growing!!!


@ChittyChittyBangin Honest opinion-cool name!! Your seedlings cool too lol!! Welcome home!!


:point_up_2: good stuff and recommend for transplant in stead of seedlings but they look like their handling it well. The nutrients in that soil blend are enough to last 6-7 weeks with PHd water only. You can check the starting PPMs with a soil sample straight from the bag using a slurry test. Most likely will be 2000 plus :love_you_gesture:


Definately my new happy place. Thanks for the reply :smile:


@OGIncognito are you recommending i go ahead and transplant? I was under the assumption to wait for the 3rd node. Theyll be going into 5 gal growing bags with the same Stonington Blend. I have FF ocean too, but researched the Coast of Main and went with that blend instead. Should i be concerned with the slight color change at the tip of the 2nd set of leaves? Thabk you for your input.


They look great! I only mentioned it being hot for seedlings and more of a transplant medium because of the nutrients loaded in that blend. I transplant at day 14 to their forever home, personally I would stick with what you’re doing and the Stonington Blend seeing as how well their doing. I’m running a simple grown using coco loco and always start my seeds using this medium. FF mediums are know to be inconsistent but still good stuff. Here’s some starting numbers on a current run in FF coco loco that’s very similar to Stonington :love_you_gesture:

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Look great. You must be another "older"fella like me. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang gave you away. Just a guess…lol. welcome to the forum.


@Storm 44yrs young and am a huge fan of the classics. Thanks for the welcome. Im really looking forward to this new adventure ive embarked on and glad there is an awesome support group!


You are going to have a blast. Keep it FUN. Keep it simple. Best advice i can give is patience and dont panic.problems can happen fast. Solutions can take days or weeks at times. I would transplant now myself. Plenty big. Too complicated can be a stress. Tough plant. Too much love is a common killer. You are off to a good start. Welcome to the forum.


Your just a foung yucker. But keep reading this place is great.


A good rule of thumb is to transplant when leaves reach the edges of the container.

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