I have a question about using Coast of Maine Stonington Blend as my base for Super Soil…is this a good start? If so, should I adjust the rest of the amendments you listed? Keep all of them the same? Or even possibly eliminate some of them? I’m going to try to attach some screenshots of the product in case you’re not familiar with this brand… hopefully they show correctly.
My goal is to be able to just water as needed instead of fighting every damn thing from bugs to fungus next year. This year (also my 1st at growing Strawberry Cough & Purple Haze outside) has been very time consuming fighting leaf septoria (on 2 plants) because of corn crops in the field having a fungus that travels through wind & damn bugs & worms (on all 4 plants)even though I was constantly treating them. I also grew a vegetable garden that I battled with same issues. Needless to say, I am sick of it all & so over the intense, constant labor to remedy every single situation! Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help!!
I hope you don’t mind, I Started you a new topic. Your topic was pasted onto the end of a very long thread that hadn’t been active since 2021. Nobody was going to see your question…
Welcome @Cherrybomb . Ive been using Coast of Maine Stonington blend for years. I also use their dry amendments. I did a ton of research on soils before i chose COM and im glad i did. I have excellent results. Depending on your container size depends on how long your soil will last until you need to feed. I always cut the feed chart in half and feed every two weeks at half feed instead of every 30 on a full feed. This sorta guarantees the fridge is always full. I also add unsulphured molasses to my water once every two weeks. I use a product called Dynomyko when i transplant from seedling to their final homes and also water it in every 30 days. I will also supplement with a castings tea once a month or so (i ised to do it every two weeks but backed off to once a month when i noticed nitrogen overload). COM is safe to use at seedling stage also.
I would recommend adding a 8qt bag of perlite to every 1.5 cu ft bag even though there is perlite already added, i just think its not enough.
Edit: i also recycle my COM at least 3 or 4 grows. All you gotta do is treat it like basic potting soil and follow the chart as recommended.
Thank you for the information. I will try this for next grow season. My goal is to eliminate the need for all the treatments I had to do this year. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind doing what needs to be done, but I’m honestly so overwhelmed with all the problems between my girls & my fruit & vegetable garden that I wanted to quit! I haven’t quit, but I’m looking for a much better way for next year.
If youre growing outdoors, youre gonna have to fight the pests no matter what medium youre growing in. When choosing strains to grow, look for strains that are pest resistant. Start early in the grow defoling when needed for airflow. Try a preventative organic miticide/pesticide early in your grow also. I grow indoors, but have had my fair share of bug issues, including the spider mites ive been fighting over a year. The flower room now is nothing compared to what it was 6 months ago.
I thought I did, but I honestly can’t remember if I even paid as much attention to it when I originally ordered them. I have Strawberry Cough & Purple Haze both feminized ordered from ILGM. Purple Haze has a high resistance to disease, but 1 of the 2 plants has had more problems than I expected. Strawberry Cough doesn’t really say either way. 1 of the 2 plants had some problems but that’s because of my own mistake when I transplanted her & ripped her veins😢 I didn’t think she would make it at all…scared shit out of me! But she’s flowering, just not quite as much as the other plant & she doesn’t have nearly as much candy on her leaves. Huge lesson learned tho! Next time they will be put directly into their forever homes…lol.