To Grind or Not to Grind

This may be a stupid question BUT… I want to ask it anyway. What is the purpose of grinding flower? My buds look beautiful and are covered in milky Trichomes. What happens to the Trichomes when you grind? If they are nice and sticky buds don’t the Trichomes stick to the grinder and therefore they don’t get smoked? If I break the buds into tiny pieces and put them in the bowl without grinding, I am leaving the Trichomes intact and therefore getting the most “Buzz” from the buds??
I can see the importance of grinding in order to make a J or Blunt so it packs in better to make it pretty, but I think we are much better off placing tiny buds in a bowl or pipe so we don’t destroy the Trichomes?


so the flower is more uniform and will burn evenly

if you just do 2 twists and then dump out it will stay in flower and the little that does fall thru you just dump out with the just ground flower

not enough to consider lose IMHO
and cones are the way to go so trichomes on the tray can be pushed into the cone along with the flower … we all have our way :cowboy_hat_face:


If it’s particularly sticky, illuse the fine surgical clippers or just use my fingers. If it is a tad on the dryer side, it goes in the grinder. Mine has the collection tray and I have about 5½g’s of keif (crystals) I’ve collected from my last grow.


Welcome aboard! Not a bowl guy…but it seems it will all end up in the bowl anyway as @Retiredoldguy mentioned.


Cut with scissors, sticks to scissors or knocked off, grind, same same.

Personal preference, but Dr. Bugbee said…lol

I try not to handle the goodstuff, even while growing, no touching anymore.

  A good bud out of the grove bag is pretty sticky in a grinder, a testament to properly cured flower and grown.      

I grind the wifes Larf for rolling. Thats about all.


The keef gets caught in the keef catcher on your grinder. When I do bong rips or vape I add the keef to the top of the ground flower for a little extra kick :muscle::muscle::love_you_gesture:


If it’s a lil moist I’ll trim with scissors but if dry enough then I’ll grind it up with a lil hand grinder.


Last I looked the catcher was empty. :joy:
It all gets rolled. :+1:


Lol, I have that same grinder, worn grooves in the side from twisting some many years. Does yours have anything in the lid?


100% same, keep the good stuff to smoke and not on my fingers :green_heart::metal:t2:
Why I also dry trim :wink:


You must be grinding that fresh sticky herb :joy::love_you_gesture:


No brother. Just a couple skulls. :joy:


It will let you find seeds without crushing them tho. :+1:


Blast from the past :love_you_gesture:


This is why i use a coffee bean grinder ,
As well as smahing bud in seconds that make for the best roll.



Lately I have been grinding less. I just crumble a little weed between my fingers and stuff it in the vaporizer chamber. Not because I think it may or may not be better. I don’t grind because it is easier and removes a step.


Very impressive Growmie love pressing thats some beautiful colors. Flavors have to be outstanding


Thank you💥 @Bunger64 :sparkles:
Goes to show quality in equals
Good product out. (As long as process is dialled in).
This was all Gorrilla sherbert keif, i collected
over the last 6 or so months.
Wicked taste thanks grommie :ok_hand:
Dabs are on :dash:


I grind for my dry herb vape so it fits and “burns” more evenly, but not for my bubbler. Just break it up with my fingers.
I collect all the kief from my trim and in the screen collection in the grinder. If you grow yer own, get a trim bin for processing your harvests, you will understand how much kief you can collect. I have a jelly jar (quarter-pint size) that I just dumped all the kief into from my grows over the last year or so. Some plants giving upwards of 3 grams of kief from trim alone. And the errant plant that was nothing but seeds at harves so i just harvested the trichomes. A stupid amount of kief.


@TransplantedFarmgirl , I do that for the dry herb vapes too.
Referencing the OPs question, yes the trichomes do stick to the grinders teeth. But its minimal, plus using a small flat metal implement I scrape off hunks of nice brown hash from the teeth every so often. Smoked alone they will knock me down. I sometimes add some to the vape. Nothing is ever lost. Just stored in ways you can reclaim later for extra fun. Keif also under the screen. The grinder is a wealth of little gifts.


Like a rainy day fund.