Things are doing very well.
The seedlings are very happy and healthy.
I transplanted them into Solo cups three days ago.
I’m watering with Re-Charge brand mycorrhizae and fungi along with Super-Thrive ph’d to 6.1.
For those who don’t know, I’m growing in soil.
Happy Frog amended with approx. 15% perlite.
The next transplant will be into three gallon fabric pots in approx. a week.
Here’s a photo of the plants ad of yesterday afternoon.
Today marks eleven days since germination.
The plants are very healthy.
I’ve been feeding them a mixture of Oregonism XL and Re-Charge brand mycorrhizae and fungi along with a couple of drops of Superthrive.
An interesting observation is that the OG Kush actually is emitting a slight odor of skunk this early.
The only way to smell that odor is to actually place the plant up to your nose.
None of the other strains are emitting an odor this early.
Perhaps a sign of what that plant will emit later as it compares to the other strains I’m growing this cycle.
I’m changing my nutrient line for this grow.
I did my homework and have decided on Remo Nutrients complete line as the food for the plants.
I believe Remo did his due diligence with ingredients before putting his well honed name on the bottles.
They are a synthetic/ organic hybrid.
I’m excited to see how well they work.
That’s about it for now people.
Thanks to all of you for sticking with me.
Here’s a photo I took a few minutes ago of the plants.
I believe it’s past time to give all your f you an update.
Today marks week one, day four of veg.
The plants are doing extremely well.
Seven days ago I transplanted the plants from Solo cups to their temporary home of three gallon cloth pots.
Again Remo Nutrients are being used.
It’s too early to tell at this point but so far so good.
They’re a hybrid synthetic / organic line.
This coming week I’m going to transplant the plants into seven gallon cloth pots.
As usual im using Happy Frog soil amended with perlite.
Here’s a couple of photos of the plants yesterday evening.
I’ll talk with everyone sooner than I have been.