Welp… here we go.
I recently came across a method of drying that intrigued me. (maybe someone on this forum mentioned it, but I couldn’t find it again when I searched…)
Billed as “low and slow” drying - basically, within four hours of harvest, wet buds are placed in a paper bag in a frost-free refrigerator (35-40*F / 40-50% RH) and left for 2 weeks except for a once daily stirring. At this point, the dry (?) buds are placed into jars and cured as “normal”.
The reported benefits are hard to believe. Supposedly, volatile mono-terpenes begin to evaporate from cannabis within 4 hours of harvest, and among these are molecules that speed passage of THC through the Blood-Brain barrier. (READ AS: higher faster) In addition, preserving these terpenes allegedly improves and enhances flavor and odor.
These purported benefits were too enticing for me to pass up, so I currently have buds of Strawberry Cough separated into an 8 trial-group experiment.
Why 8 groups? So glad you asked.
Because these same wackos are also sold on a bud washing program - to the point where many won’t smoke unwashed bud. (hoy-hoy)
And there are claims that dry trimming (I most often choose to wet-trim) - thereby leaving the sugar leaves on to “protect the buds” through the cold drying process makes a difference.
With that said… I have the following variables and groups created for every combination:
Washed/Unwashed : Wet trimmed/Dry trimmed : Fridge dried/Rack dried
The washing process used was as follows: Hot water rinse → Cold water rinse → Dilute H2O2 rinse → Cold water rinse
(The hot water - cold water process reminded me of blanching. Kinda made me uncomfortable to do it to my buds. Oh well…it’s all for science.)
These buds were then hung to drip dry for 4 hours, then placed either into the fridge in a paper bag or onto the drying rack.
I will upload some pics of the process shortly. And i will give you the results after the smoke-a-thon to determine which methods (if any) stand out from the rest.
If y’all have any questions or comments- fire away. I’m still reading and researching this one… Tag in anybody i missed