…was the title of a link in the Marijuana Plant Care manual I downloaded, but I cannot link to it… There’s a topic on resolving Airy bud on the Troubleshooting page, but again, the link does not work.
So…how does one resolve an airy, thin bud. This year’s crop (4 different strains) appears to be replicating last year’s harvest. Potent, but just not fat and heavy.
I’ve been an organic gardener for about five decades. The grow is in a greenhouse with auxilary T-8 fluorescents and three LED fixtures to get up to 18 hrs per day. Circulating fans run 20 hours a day. Plants are doing fine at 5 feet tall, but I want to avoid last season’s mediocre results.
Chemistry wise, I can test for virtually every nutrient, and from the short description in the plant care guide, potassium might be the issue. (Will test PDQ.)
Heat is the one thing I cannot fully control, though the greenhouse’s exhaust fan comes on at 86 degrees. It’s a greenhouse…I do have shade fabric, tho’
Is the shade cloth on the green house? I can tell you first hand that that will cause airy buds. A lot of plants don’t like full sunlight (ask my hydrangeas) but cannabis needs it.
Nah…the shade cloth is rolled up. The fluorecents and LEDs were to provide additional hours of light. Heat was the downfall of my first two attempts at an indoor grow back in '82: a 1000w metal halide…in an attic…in summer…
Just checked my remote recording thermometer in the GH. The hottest it has ever gotten this summer in 95.7 F.
Checked the soil chemistries this afternoon. N and P are just fine, as is the soil pH; K, not so much… Had some “super K” fertilizer (4-9-38) that I diluted/mixed up, adjusting the pH to around 6. Testing is right in my wheel-house: over fifty years ago, I was a chemistry major in college (“better living thru chemistry” were our watch words in those days ) as well as a hospital lab tech.
But there is little I can do for the heat. There are multiple fans in the greenhouse. I will say that there is a limb from a neighbor’s tree right overhead at noontime - which will cost a good chunk of change to remove - at my expense. Winter may actually be a better grow time, with the sun lower in the southern sky.
I don’t believe the temp is your issue unless the humidity is really low. My outside grow this year saw temps of over 100. Leaf temps near 110. They just required more frequent watering. But we’re constantly in the 60-70% humidity range.
Good point…I do have a mister system - my “redneck A/C” - set up around the seating area in the garden adjacent to the GH. My four plants (the max permitted here) all different cultivars, are getting big enough so that it is a PITA to move 'em about. I do take 'em outside once a week for a shower, but I’ll spray 'em more frequently. And I check the moisture level in the soil twice daily and water at least once. Just checked the humidity in the GH via the remote: 65%, which is the same as ambient.