Thank you ILGM great seeds

This is day 62 white widow autos from this company they are awsome


i completely agree! they have great genetics here!


Everything I looked at said probably be only around 3 feet tall, 3 of mine are close to 4 and 1 is 5 had to tie her down rent not tall enough. This is my first grow in about 40 years think doing ok.LOL


heres my wwa they are growing great


what are you using for light. i still have 4 ww fems in flower and one just put to flower and none of mine are over 3 ft tall. this depends on how long you vegged and how strong your light is. it looks to me on your pic that the tall one on the right has quite a bit of stretch between nodes. that kinda points to me that you might need more light or keep it closer to plants of something along those lines. i will tag in some big dogs to have a look. @dbrn32 @MattyBear @Oldguy


Look good from here :wink::v::bear:

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check @Fms picture above cycles pls @MattyBear

Maybe a little stretchy, but that’s common with underpowered lighting

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I was using an 850 COB LED, thought would be enough but wasn’t had light to far away when started as well. Was at 27 inches which I found out was way to far, but like I said first time in at least 40 years was only a kid like 13 now 59 wow


All the stuff found online said needed more distance form plants

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lots of great folks on here with a broad range of knowledge. don’t be afraid to ask any questions. things have changed a lot in last ten years let alone 40.

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Thank you so much will definitely ask more questions next time. Got bigger tent for next grow. People said you could fit 6 plants in this tent which is a 2x4 wrong answer there new is a 4x8

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guys on here help me upgrade my light very happy how my plants have reacted to the right light for my growspace


Nice set up.

And the plants are paying it back


What lights are you using

I bought everything once and it did not work good enough then I had go back and buy the good stuff

Quantum boards 288 from hlg

i am growing 6 plants in my 4x4x6 tent, but i am also going to keep veg to 30 or 35 days. i have 6 plants in my flower tent now and it is tight, but i let the veg time get too high due to a couple of issues. i will be able to do 6 in mine as long as i stick to smaller veg time.

4x8 will be great for your grow of 6, and you will be able to let them go longer in veg to get more at harvest. main consideration is height of plants in tents and having coverage of area. imho, you will need to get more and better lights for a 4x8. look into the quantum boards( @Cyle1 posted a pic of his) they can be done for pretty cheap and a bunch of folks on here have them and love them. and with a 4x8, you can just do one QB and get another when you can afford for another grow. i’m not sure but i think you would need at least two in a 4x8 for flower cycle.

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My grow space 2 and a half by 3

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