Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I go by D
I’m doing this for the first time and hope all turns out well.
Received Chronic White Widow seeds and a ton of info from ILGM and some one gave me some seeds.
Here are a few pics of my girls and what i hope to be more girls. WW in the middle.
Any advise will be appreciated.
Thanks D
Welcome! nice set up you have there
Welcome. Looks like your off to a great start
Thanks greenthumb,
Just finished it the first of august.
I have Two I Power 600w HPS/MH.
A Vortex S 800 Inline exhaust fan.
A 110CFM Intake fan.
Two passive 4" intakes.
A ac unit when needed.
Is there anything you can suggest.
Thanks D
will you be adding more lights in the future?
Hey thanks for responding. Haven’t talked with anyone about this yet.
I wont be adding any more lights lights ( yet ) I think this room will take care of me.
My room is 8x8x8. Plus i can to a summer outside grow of almost any size. No neighbors to bother me. Cant wait for next year. I got a few in the ground but i think it was to late. Time will tell
Hi there 70s chick.
My name is D
Still learning how to navigate this site.
Cant wait to get advise from all of you growers, my first time and it seems a little overwhelming at times. I think it will turn out though.
Grow and be happy.
I’m still figuring out the site as well. We’re just getting started on our first inside grow.
You’ll find everyone here extremely nice and very helpful…
Good Growin
Welcome! I envy you whit that big and clean space… Niceeee!
Beautiful view D, looks like it would be a good outdoor site and so far, judging by your ladies, you are right on track. IMO the worst thing you can do is not checking your plants. Inattention seams to be the biggest factor in whether or not a grow is successful. from your pics it looks like you’ve done your homework.
ILGM has been one of the best resources that i use and will also say that nobody on here has steered me wrong though sometimes opinions differ. do you have a background or any exp. in gardening or razing any other crops?
Hey GT
No experience with vegetables or herbs. So i hope all grows well.
I will say i have sunk a little money into this venture so i hope my end results
for my first grow are rewarding. I think i know… my inside grow will be fine but the outside grow has me a little worried. Got a late start so might not get much bud if any.
There is always a learning curve. I just hope i learn quick.
I did transplant one of the smallest outside plants that was approx 6 wks old to the inside grow, It’s been two days, so far so good. I hope i don’t kill it.
i would say that if the lady hasn’t shown signs of shock by now things should be fine. keep an eye on the leaves, they will tell you every thing.
do you know the strain your growing?
Very pretty my wife will enjoy the interior design aspect
Nice plants, nice view @havenfuninthesun I have location envy!! Looks like a nice set-up! Welcome to the forum, so much great information here, and expert advice Have fun and enjoy
By the way you’ve worked the soil it dose look like you have a good instinct. Do you have any more material to fab an enclosure just in case you get a cold snap… it looks like your out west in high planes country. i m curious because of weather and wouldn’t want your ladies to get shocked
Welcome to forum. Many great folks here. Not sure of your humidity in your area but a dehumidifier is great to keep the % down especially in flower. Also I’m a big fan of food grade dietametious earth for those nasty bugs.
Hey GT
I am out west in the high country. I hope to have a easy sept, but just in case ill have boxes big enough to cover them at night. I do not know what these other plants are. I do know i have 4 chronic ww 3 inside and 1 outside. I would love to know what they are. Is there any way to tell.
I seem to have a humidity issue. Cant get it high enough, right know sitting at 16% any idea short of buying more equipment. Space is getting small along with the wallet.
Thanks D
You can use 2lt bottles, cut top off mist inside and flip it on top of sprout,seedlings
For the larger ones outside you could use bamboo and cling wrap to fashion a humidity dome @havenfuninthesun
Nug has a good suggestion, I like to put a pot of hot (not boiling) water in front of a fan.
Nice set up @havenfuninthesun
I’ll be following along with the rest of the group and I’m around if you need anything just tag me
Woohoo happy growing
CB and welcome