First time indoor grow

Seeds from ILGM and I couldn’t be happier! 2 White Widow’s on the left and 2 Blue Dream’s on the right. Went ahead and tried a scrog and I’m pretty pleased! It’s pretty packed in the tent so I had to buy a 50 pt dehumidifier for the shed the tent is in as levels were in the high 70’s and low 80’s. It works great and levels stay between 40-50 now. The ladies are on day 47 of flower. Pretty sure I have some sort of nute deficiency but they look pretty amazeballs! I’ve been using the Fox Farm feeding schedule with Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom and they’re growing in Fox Farm Ocean Foest soil. The light is a 600w MH and they vegged under a 600w HPS. Tent is 4x4.

So tell me what you guys think. Lurking through this forum has helped me tremendously! Just hoping to get some feedback whether it be good or bad so I can continue to improve at this amazing hobby. Thanks in advance!


Looks awesome! I’d be doing cartwheels if mine come out like that. Great job!:clap::clap::clap:


Thank you! I’m extremely pleased with how these are turning out! I’m just always trying to learn so I can continue to improve on each grow. :+1:t2:

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Dude,you should be very proud! :metal:

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A picture in natural light please!

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I’m on it stat! Standby please…

These still aren’t great pics because my phone camera sucks and the tent blocks a lot of the lighting in the shed. I’ll work on my photog skills lol. Some are with the flash on and some are off.


Seems like they need more bloom nutes(phosphorus and potassium). And I think they are almost done but 2,maybe 3 weeks(or more) to go before harvest.
Look at this chart and maybe you identify the problem. thenug-EmylnsvVWO

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Before we make any decisions on what might be going wrong we would need to have you fill out a support ticket. Please do so that we can help you resolve this issue before it gets worse.

COPY/PASTE: This “Support Ticket” into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so = NA

Strain; Type, Bag seed, ILGM… name of strain:

How many plants:

Age from Sprout and Flower:

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco / Brand and type of Soil & Size of Pots:

How often do you water and how do you determine when to do so?

PH of water and runoff or solution in reservoir:

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS:

Indoor or Outdoor:

Light system, size and height from plants:

Temps; Day, Night:

Humidity; Day, Night:

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size:

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier:

Co2; Yes, No:

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer. Feel free to elaborate, but short, to the point questions and facts will help us help you

Also here is a Deficiencies & Excesses Chart to help you identify what is wrong with your plants


@M4ur makes total sense! They haven’t needed near as much watering during flower so I guess I slacked a little on the Tiger Bloom. Is it too late to try and fix it or should I just not worry since I’m so close to harvest? Thanks for the help!

The White widow flowering is 60 days average. You have an awful lot of white pistils. My guess is you will need more time than that. The Blue Dream is 70 days average flowering.


You should give nutrients up until 2 weeks before harvest.

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And @bob31 is right on that… Please fill out that support ticket :wink:

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Strain; Type, Bag seed, ILGM… name of strain: White Widow fem and Blue Dream fem from ILGM

How many plants: 4

Age from Sprout and Flower: Around 80 give or take a few days

Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco / Brand and type of Soil & Size of Pots: Fox Farm Ocean Forest in 5 gal fabric pots

How often do you water and how do you determine when to do so? Mostly every other day unless the soil is still damp about 2 knuckles in

PH of water and runoff or solution in reservoir: N/A my PH meter is wonky so I can’t trust it

What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS: not sure what that means but I use Fox Farm Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom

Indoor or Outdoor: indoor

Light system, size and height from plants: 600w hps/mh at 18"

Temps; Day, Night: Day - 78 to 80, Night - 70 to 73

Humidity; Day, Night: was high 70’s to low 80’s the first few weeks of flower until I got a dehumidifier. Now I’m the 40’s to 50

Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size: Yes, 6" high velocity fan with controller and carbon filter

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier: AC and dehumidifier

Co2; Yes, No: No

Here you need to put ppm value, tested whit a tds meter :wink:
And you need to test the pH… ASAP
Take a picture at that pH meter you have…

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Sorry guys I ran out of replies for my first day. I’ll get that pic up asap but my ph meter is the yellow one most people get from Amazon. I also have a ppm meter from Amazon I will use.

I got high just looking at the pictures !


PH is 6.2 and ppm is 588

Had to raise ph after adding nutes and I haven’t been doing that

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From 4.1 to 6.2

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I think there was your problem because everything was in range and only ph was very low.
Now I’m assuming you are measuring that before you watering them? If that is what you measuring I suggest to measure the runoff also.