My grows have been autoflower where the seed was placed into the final pot because transplanting causes stress and stunts growth. I’m trying a feminized (not auto) and wanted to get feedback is this type ok for transplanting?
My grows have been autoflower where the seed was placed into the final pot because transplanting causes stress and stunts growth. I’m trying a feminized (not auto) and wanted to get feedback is this type ok for transplanting?
It is. I transplant photoperiod plants twice before they go into their final pot.
I transplant autos and never had a problem doin it ,but yes photos u can transplant
Yes you can. I put my seed with tap root in their forever home.
I use fabric bags including quart sized for seedlings and clones.
That’s the first month. When it’s time to transplant, I just pop those bags into 3-5 gallon pots.
If they need more room (like my outdoor grows) I place those pots into 10-20 gallon pots.
The roots grow through the pots and there is zero stress on the plant. There’s also a lot less stress on the grower.
Welcome , you will like growing photos. Everybody seems to have a little Different approach. I start my photos in seedling cups transfer after 14 days into Final home 5 gallon or 7 gallon fabric pots. little slow getting took off basically throwing down roots, but they catch up quickly. Good luck with your new venture.
Like they all said, you can transplant no problem.
Any pictures of what it looks like when u pull pots apart? Just out of curiosity
Posted some yesterday.