Switched lights to 12/12 today

I did add my burpee light system which has 80 watts florureset bulbs its all I have around here. hopefully the girls well response well. What would else help.? POOR folks unite I thank all of you

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Probably best to consolidate your plants into a smallest area as possible inside the tent. You gotta work with what you got.

That is what I have done got them close and we’ll see in a few days and Be patience young Skywalker keep telling myself. I pulled a stalk from one of the underside stalks from outside Have in nurter water I split the stalk three ways and hope I can get roots Just a experiment in growing. My wife has become such a encourager and she can’t wait to smoke some!!

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Yeah looks like that growing kit was geared more towards herbs like cilantro or basil. Not the herb you want to grow, lol. Keep them close together (maybe in a corner so you can utilize the reflective sides) and you should be able to pull something out of them.

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interesting you think that when it is made for weed growth and all that VIVOSUN Grow Tent Complete System, 4x4 Ft. Growing Tent Kit Complete with VS1000 Led Grow Light 6 Inch 440CFM Inline Fan Carbon Filter and 8ft Ducting Combo, 48"x48"x80"

It’s not set up for weed though or it would have come with at least 4 of those lights.

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With good quality leds, you’re wanting around 35w/sqft. With lower quality leds you’re wanting around 50w/sqft. With that single light, you’re at 6w/sqft.

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ok I got a lux meter and put it under the lights at 100% and it registered about just 17367 lux’s so with no money here I lowered the lights and upped the time to 18-19 hours on These are Auto’s
and I upped the temp also 75-77 I can only wait and see what pans out. I did check out other lights and with my wife who lost her job and me on SSD every penny is accounted for. We planned as we could and I recently picked up 5 bags of Happy Frog on clearance and fox farm bog bloom and other fox farm all on clearence all good deals, now if any of you out there would love to donate to our POOR FOLK Grow fund go for it .At least outside growing is going better Well any more ideas @Meeasy @MidwestGuy @Jaydawg6528

They’re looking good. You gotta grow with what you got. Where was that 17,000 lux measured at? The plant canopy? If so you can lower the lights significantly.

I measured the lux at the plant top What did you mean by lower The lights are at one foot right now Or Lower Percentage?

Oh the lights are 12” from the canopy? Thought it said somewhere up above that they were a few feet above.

Yes I had them way too high Not Me. HAHA I rechecked the notes and realized two things ONE I had the lights too high. Second Last night my basement is cooler around 68 -69 and I had everythnig run thru the timer… Then when I went downstairs and opened the tent all was dark OK but the temp then I knew "As Fred Sanford Said " “You Big Dummy !” The lights is the only thing that needs the Timer. SO now the fans and heater run as needed via Thermostat . Now it may explain why no girls are growing. Does this make sense to you all? @MeEasy @Hellraiser @Budz420 I realized this is a indoor grow which we control everything Air, water, feeding ,lights and darkness,soil.

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68° is not that cold and shouldn’t affect their growth, a cold floor can definitely cause an issue though so make sure they’re not sitting directly on the floor

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Agree. If the soil is getting down to the mid 60’s, it will trigger slow growth. The air temp is fine. It’s the soil that you don’t want getting that cold.

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OH I thought of the cold floor folks I have a 4x4 pallet which has 2" Styrofoam boards on it and on top on it 1/2 plywood screwed into the pallet making all tight. then the 4x4x6ft vivosun grow tent on top of everything. @MeEasy New pictures of the tent setup today

After all the adjustments to the lights and the heater and fans we will see in a few days if they like it.


Lookin good :+1: plants are happy

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I do appreciate the comments @MeEasy due to the 6 million different opinions I have gotten over these few weeks,makes me feel as if we got ripped off in what we could afford to buy. As we told each other in the Army opinions are like buttholes everybody has one and some folks have two. I feed these about every few days and water them when they are drying out and all the excess runs right thru and down into trays under the plants. It is as I said a job. Outside inside seedlings OH MY! As I read others posts it seems to me the whole nation is growing legal and not so legal all over and we all are very proud of the efforts put in from one plant in a closet to one guy who has his whole basement 1/2 grow 1/2 dry & cure Now thats commitment

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I did up the time to 19/5 and they seem to be liking it some more growth going on. Now I wait and watch the soil dry and I did add a tower fan to minic the brezze outside and that has helped the temps. Again how does the air flow moving the plants a bit help them? @MeEasy .

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The breeze moving the plants around actually strengthens their stems and branches, it’s a natural reaction in nature for a plant in a windy area to get stronger so not to get blown over. Also during flower because weed is pollinated through the air and not bugs it relies on it’s sticky icky to reproduce and the plant will make more of the sticky in a windy situation to attract more pollen

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Cool SO now I think we up here in the flatlands are dialed in with the tent we have airflow heat lights and good soil and now that I figured out that the only thing I need on the timer is the lights. I had everything on the timer wrong idea because the tent would get too cold down in the basement.Thanks again We are learning more and more

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