36 Long Hours before flip 12/12

So I can say I tried 36 hours of darkness on the flip. However I’m doing DWC and Soil with several plants. I had a plant take a nose drive for death just before the transition. Due to overall concerns for the whole group I went ahead and did the flip the rest needed it. Because I didn’t remove the dying plant (I was hoping to give it darkness and it might try to “repair itself” I might have put myself in a world of trouble.

After flipping the lights back on and inspecting the plants I see lots of dark leaves. Normally I would think this is just them recovering from the LONG rest. At the end of the day most plants should perk up i’m hoping with some feeding and light.

Just to be safe I want to post this to see if I should be watching for something else. I was afraid it might have been too wet.
Humidity was kept around 50%
Room is small around 4X4
I did keep the fans going during the 36 dark period.

I will try and grab some pictures more later when i go back to feed.


@Fieldofdreams hey man been busy starting another grow and wanted to see if you had any thoughts?

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Temps avg 68 degrees

Before this, I can’t say I have heard anyone use or suggest a dark period before flipping.


LMAO @beardless I KNOW RIGHT

Still a Newbie to growing here and I got some photo seeds. I was just going to do a normal 12/12 switch but I read the damn ILGM guide from Robert and he had that in topic sometimes its good to give them darkness from 12/48 hours.

Well because i have my lights on timer i said oh well I will just filp them and when i decided to do it I forgot it would mess up my light hours so the way I had to adjust everything ended up with 30 to 34 hours transition. I said well lets see what happens, so here we are down this rabbit hole.

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Dang, another thing I didn’t think about was in the darkness what about nut uptake. With no light all the extra nuts that where in the soil or water might just be sitting in the plant not being about to be used and thus sitting there burning up the plant.

However who knows with the pics i posted, I am waiting several hours before uploading anymore as I have found that my girls like a couple hours to get ready in the mornings before they are fully Lights Ready ha ha

I must have missed that tidbit. I have heard of doing that for stubborn autos. It should not pose a problem. Good luck the rest of the way.

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I’ve not read of long dark periods. I go 2 weeks at 14/10 before flipping to 12/12.

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@madman2022 I’ve heard of numerous growers doing a dark period before harvest but not for the flip. I do like the idea of walking back the timer over a short period as a Fall like transition period for the flip and again near harvest. It makes sense in my head that trying to recreate natural conditions that the plants have evolved through over the ages will be less stressful for them. But I’m a broscience nerd like that lol. I’m one of those that thinks plucking the heck outta your plants leaves has them retaliate with higher thc levels lol. No proof just hippy advice I received previously that stuck lmao. :laughing:

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@Fieldofdreams HAHA nice yeah im just trying random shit when I see it online, I need to stick to just hippy advice lol. I love the picture of you pissing plants off. They get tired of it and start fighting you back…the start chanting I AM GROUT


@Fieldofdreams Also I might be doing some more damage today, looking at my white widow it looks like it might be a male which has me just eyeing its growth to see if i need to pluck it…should have been a FEM but you know…

has me like:


@Borderryan22 @Fieldofdreams

LOL here is that tide bit about jumping your flower’s flower power? :rofl:

Cannabis Light Cycle for Weed Veg & Flowering Stages in (ilovegrowingmarijuana.com)

How to jumpstart the flowering light cycle
Although most people prefer to change their lighting schedule to begin the flowering process, there are other ways.

Here’s the deal:

You can give your plants a head start by giving them an extra shot of darkness, to begin with. Take advantage of your completely dark grow room by actually keeping it completely and utterly dark for an entire 36 hours.

This will drop the Phytochrome Far-Red amount significantly — more so than if you switched it to a 12/12 schedule from the beginning. The idea behind kick-starting the process in this way is to give a loud and clear signal to your plants that flowering season has begun.

Once the 36 hours are complete, begin the 12/12 lighting cycle.