Switched at planting?

Does anyone else have pictures of their Blue Dream and Skywalker OG plant leaves? I’m certain that I planted and labeled correctly, but reading in the guide on here it describes my Indica and sativa leaves totally opposite as they are on my plants. My Indica has spindley leaves, while my sativa has more rounded leaves…the guide says opposite.:woman_shrugging:t2:

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Trust your labels.
Because any plant can show differing leaf traits you cant identify a strain by looks.
Just like your own brothers and sisters look different from each other, cannabis plants will differ in appearance.
So Indicas can occasionally have skinny leaves and Sativas can have fat ones.

BTW you will love the Blue Dream. Have one in the tent now myself. The wife really loves it. May have to buy another tent just for growing enough for her. Lol


Completely agree with @Spiney_norman . But if you think it may help the plant in front here is a Blue Dream:


Blue Dream should have thinner leaves.

This has 3 Blue Dream and the front left is Peach Puree CBD. So the front right is BD. Also BD should also be tall compared to other strains.

Y’all’s look taller and seem to to be skinnier than mine. I may have to wait until it’s smoking time to find out. Mine are in their 8th week of veg, maybe I can tell more when they start to bud…?

Read This article…
Here is a quote from it.

“Blue Dream may reflect characteristics anywhere on the spectrum between its parents, depending on how it was raised. This is why we may sometimes see an indica-like phenotype of Blue Dream when we expect a sativa. That isn’t to say strains are unpredictable genetic wildcards; rather, we just shouldn’t be surprised when a strain does not fit perfectly within a categorical box.”

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@Spiney_norman well daggone it. Does that mean that my 80% sativa could end up being more of an Indica? That would really be a disappointment.

Strain differences are really down to cannabinoid (THC, CBD, CBG, CBN,…) content and terpine profiles, which remain relatively consistent from plant to plant, though these hybrids can vary more than the breeders will usually tell you in terms of things like %THC. Visual features can vary widely. Landrace (pure indica or pure sativa) strains are remarkably consistent, but can still vary from a visual perspective.


Midwest guy is correct.
Though looks may vary I have found that effects are spot on when it comes to using.
My Blue dream may not look “Typical” but it has the exact effects I expect from it.

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California Blue Dream

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I have two Blueberry Glue autos growing right now (I know, not the same strain) and one is short, has dark green fat leaves - I took a fan leaf off that was bigger than my hand - and the other is lighter green, has slender leaves, and is outgrowing her slightly older sister. One thing in common: they both have the same dark purple flowers.

I have grown 4 LSD autos from the same package. Every one was different, two produced nearly nothing b/c they were real runts, and two were small and entirely differently colored - one pastel, one dark purple. One thing they ALL had in common - they smelled exactly alike.

So, like with kids, they will all have some “in commons” from their parents, and also wild differences.

To genuinely stabilize the genetics of any plant is a process. Food plant research gets money funneled into it - standardizing crops is pretty important - while weed genetic research is mostly “underground” and obviously not funded anywhere near the level of food plants.