Sweet Decades vs Grove Bags (curing bags)

Hey guys,
Has anybody ever used “Sweet Decades” brand of curing bags. Just researching them they have just as good feedback everywhere and they’re 1/2 the price of “Grove Bags”…

If you tried the sweet decades curing bags I want to hear what you think of them. Thank you in advance!


OMG, I wish you had asked this question a week ago! I just popped for the Grove bags.


As far as I can see the only difference is the name. The Amazon feedback is really good. A lot of good reviews on Reddit (advice from 14-year-olds growing weed)

50 - 1Oz bags on sweet decades website is $29

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Be skeptical of Amazon reviews. They are sometimes manipulated by sellers. I had a seller offer money to me to remove or edit a bad review that I had written for a product.


I have not used Sweet Decades but I have used and still use Groves. Since I have not used them and the Company started only a few years ago, not much info on the web or even on their website. Supposedly the TerpLoc tech is trademarked by Grove. I am not sure since they have a lock on this technology for now if any other curing bags would work as good. If you Google Groves vs Sweet Decades, you will get hits on Reddit from users of both products. The overall consensus is Groves = Good, and Decades = deleted inflammatory or :poop:

What I do or would do if I had not tried either and was still burping, is buy a few of each and test them with same sized bud in each bag. Monitor the humidity in each bag during the cure and then after 4-6 weeks, it would be battle of the buds. Which one is smoother, stinkier, has more flavor. Now you have a true answer in a controlled environment that you can comment on when others ask this same question.


Very good advice my friend. :wink:


@Lostgirl That sounds too good to be true.


Plus it justs sounds fun :crazy_face:


i wonder this myself, but just to be clear, has nobody tried them or does anyone have any reviews from first hand experience? i have yet to meet anyone who actually gave them a try and can say for sure whether they work.
if anyone has tried them, please help us aquire the knowledge we wonder about.
i just ordered 50 of the 1 oz groves to finish my grow with. that’s only because i was skeptical about the other brand. wish i would have just looked around the forum first to find a thread with this question :confused:


I’m currently trying both out for the first time. So far no difference really, decades does seem to be holding humidity more stable, but the other plant in the grove might’ve not dried as much… both samples smoked great so far


Yeah I didn’t think there was any difference. The feedback that I’ve been seeing is decades dials in the humidity a little better than the Grove bags. I just ordered both from Amazon so I’m going to do exactly as you did try both side by side. You can’t beat the price of decades!


I bought this at the local nursery supply. Added 62% humidity packs for good measure. Transferred flowers from several small grove bags Hygrometer says 61.2. After about 3 months.
Flowers were cured in the groove since November.
Not sure if this helps. Just my.02
Stay safe


How’s the decade bag hanging in your test? I’m actually thinking of getting there 100 piece 1 oz bag deal. You think I’m good? Thank you for your time and your input

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Yea im like a month into it, theyre both working good, no real difference so far that i can notice


I was just looking these up.
I hate to say it but these days you get what you pay for.

Tough on a fixed no money income. Lol

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After @NorseRow did his comparison test I was sold. I went back to their website to place an order and they were out of what I had wanted. After not answering their phones or emails or contact form I decided to just go ahead and order the Grove bags.


I have four 1 oz sweet decades cure bags with Girl scout cookies curing for 2 months now holding firm at 61% humidity

The only difference between sweet decades bags and groove bags is sweet decades are cheaper.

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This should be a very good update for people questioning sweet decades vs Grove bags the final results are even shocking to me.

First off I’ve been testing these bags for well over a year now in many different aspects. Below you’ll find my final results. The amount of time testing one versus the other has been more than sufficient time to come up with my opinions (and facts)


1.) I’ll start with the absolute biggest problem from one versus the other.
Sweet decades brand a year ago were very hard to find in stock any place. That my friend has changed. Their Amazon store is fully stocked all the time with all the sizes. Bravo on fixing this problem

2.) The next conclusion is the overall performance.

A: Grove Bags once your weed is dry and have been placed in The bags with a hygrometerI do not hot seal I simply zick lock and use painters tape to seal. The groove bags maintain relative humidity fairly well for about 4 months. Then they seem to need opened and adjusted to get back to that 60% - 62% that I like. Simply add a couple fan leaves

B: Sweet Decades basically I do the exact same thing and the results are about the same for the exception I’ve never had to adjust the RH in a sweet decade bag for at least 6 months plus (vs 4mths) on Grove bags.

3.) the overall quality of the bag itself. Hands down Sweet Decades has an overall more durable quality bag then Grove Bags

A: I’ve had 1oz, 2oz, and 4oz bags Ziploc brake totally off the bag. (The zip itself comes unsealed/unglued after opening and closing the bags frequently.) I can’t count on my fingers and toes how many **Grove bags took a :poop: it is a little as a year.

B: I haven’t had a single bag with sweet decades ever break or become unglued when the zipper lock.

4.) a small issue that I see with Grove Bags is there clear window/windows aren’t as big as sweet decades this is important to me when trying to view the hygrometer through the window. This is not a major issue I’m sure for most but if you’re picky like me it was.

5.) Pricing this seems to be a big issue with everyone for anything anymore in our hobby. You’ll be happy to learn that Sweet Decades cure bags are 50% less in cost vs Grove Bags

I was so shocked with these results as Grove Bags has such a phenomenal reputation.

Nevertheless, other than customer service I’ve struggled to find one single thing that’s better about Grove bags and unfortunately I can’t. This test has been ongoing for 1 year 3 months.

Understand this test was for our benefit (you and I) I make absolutely nothing from this review or ongoing test.

In conclusion
Sweet decades holds relative humidity extremely well for a long period of time. There a more durable cure bag the Grove and last longer. For the price of these bags even the extreme budget grower can afford them.

As for Grove Bags they do their job. They really need to work on the ziplock. (It’s pathetic) Grove is now my backup reserve for care bags.

I hope this helps someone


Through update. THANKS for coming back and giving all your results!
I appreciate you!