Super Silver Haze growing in bed of super soil

I’m near Virginia area. You?

I’m from Rhode Island i dont think you’ll be hanging out with her :rofl:

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I went out and bought the step ladder. I love the pic I took while standing on top of the step ladder to give you the bird’s eye view of the canopy.

I only topped this plant once but the canopy is extremely wide and the plant is very bushy. This supports my theory that the width of the canopy is primarily based upon the width of the roots (which is primarily based on the width of your grow medium). Most people seem to believe that topping a plant more times is the key to a wider canopy. Topping will make a plant much more bushy, yes, but in my experience topping has a minimal effect on canopy width compared to the effect that the grow medium width has. There is a plant i gave to a friend in a 15 gal that got topped twice (this plant only got topped once) and while it is extremely bushy it is nowhere near as wide.

And sorry for squinting so much in my selfie, the sun was shining directly in my eyes.


Wow that’s a awesome tree. I can’t wait to see the flowers on that beauty. I can’t grow outside where I live it’s still frowned upon. This was super skunk I harvested in January. Don’t have a grow current and I miss it like crazy. I’m addicted to growing. I also grow in hydroponic setting now


Now instead of watching TV, you can watch your plant! I boycotted television many years ago.

Impressive plant for an indoor setup. Super Skunk is a strain i have going, thats the plant in a 15 gal that got twice.

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Latest pic.

I started a thread in the troubleshooting section too because the base of the stapk cracked from a wind storm amd one of the branches got partially detached. That branch was wilting for a few days but is doing better now.

BTW the fence in the background is 8 feet high


Wow that plant is huge. Man I hope that beast has flowers all over it when it starts. Congratulations on your grow. Impressive

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It has already begun flowering. But it has just begun actually forming buds, which means it is somewhere in week 2 probably. Seemed to begin flowering at beginning of August, a little later than most of the plants which started a week or so earlier.

Here is the thread on the wilting branch

The wilting seems to be gone. I’m going to give her one more light dose of foliar feeding with Fox Farm on the branch that was wilting and one of the colas that seems to be slightly struggling. This week has actually been the first time I have ever foliar fed nutrients. I am typically against the idea of foliar feeding as I think it is typically unnecessary and wetting the foliage can result in problems with disease, mold, or fungal infections. As you can see, this thing turned into a tree without any foliar fed nutrients so it is simply not required to produce monster plants and increases risk (especially with gigantic plants with insane amounts of foliage that can provide a happy home to pathogens). Indoors it can make more sense as you can at least control your environment but outdoors we have zero control over temperature and humidity.

With that being said, I have also said in cases of severe nutrient deficiency a foliar application can make sense. I have super powerful soil and also have a solid nutrient feeding regimen so I generally do not have any serious deficiency in my plants. In this particular case though the branch was dying from being unable to absorb nutrients through the roots. It was a tough call to make because foliar feeding is an especially bad idea during flower but it is still very early in flower and I figure it will be okay. I basically decided that I would have to either foliar feed the branch or remove it, and I figured it was worth trying to save it.

Here are the latest pictures. I was worried about her after the base of the stem cracked but she seems to be pulling on through to the finish line. The colas seem to be the most stressed for some reason. The other branches are a more deep green whereas the leaves on the colas are yellowing more quickly. You would think the plant would prioritize the colas although I suspect the crack may have effected the pathways to the colas more than the branches. However, while the leaves of the colas are struggling, the buds on the colas are getting fat - and that’s what counts.

Been feeding her plenty of flower nutes - Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and now going to start the Cha Ching. Also been giving her plenty of Roots Organics Buddha Bloom.

She probably has about 6 weeks remaining. Hopefully the frost doesn’t come before then. It will be the last plant I harvest - she has the longest flower time (10 to 12 weeks) and started flowering later than the others. May even be as long as 8 more weeks until she is fully done, minimum 5 weeks. But I suspect I may have to pull her in mid October due to weather conditions and depending on things like bud rot.


That plant is awesome. I wish I could grow outside. She’s got a lot of white hairs you might be done in 5 weeks. She is a beauty.

I hear you but Super Silver Haze has an average flower time of 77 days, or 11 weeks. Can range from 10 to 12 weeks.

She began flowering right around August 1st. So she has less than 40 days, more like about 30. This means she has about 40 to 50 days left to reach full maturity.

I should definitely be able to pull her in 5 weeks but I think it will take about 6 for her to reach perfect maturity. Pulling a week early won’t effect the potency all that much and may be worth doing if I am battling bud rot. So far no bud rot on her.

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Good to here from you. I really like SSH it’s my all time favorite so far. I really wish I could grow outside and have monsters like yours. I’m almost done with my new grow space and I’ll have a grow happening soon and I’ll tag you on my journey

I am looking forward to it! What strains are you planning to grow? If I can make a suggestion - I would recommend trying out the Cuban Black Haze from Purple City Genetics or Piff Coast Farms. I believe this is the original haze strain from the East Coast back in the 1990s and early 2000’s, also known as “Church Haze”. It is a type of haze that smells like church incense, if you know what it is then you know exactly what I am talking about. It was the most highly sought after strain by cannabis connoisseurs on the east coast for a long time. I would argue that it is still considered to be the most highly prized strains by most old school connoisseurs although it is extremely rare these days, almost non-existent. Some people believe it has gone extinct, but this is not true - my roommate at the last place I lived was from New York City and he can still get it down in Washington Heights, which is where it was always most concentrated. I was amazed when he brought me back some little dime bags of the church haze. Had that church incense smell just like the old days!

Everyone would call it Haze and claim that it is the “original haze” or “real haze” although based on my research this was not the original haze of the 1970s. Original Haze does still exist but is generally only used by breeders. It has a very low yield and a very long flower time, plus the potency is not very high of the original haze - it usually averages between 5 and 10 percent. It was one of the best strains of the 60s and 70s but that isn’t saying much. However, it is still very useful for breeding as Haze can create some amazing hybrids. It is kind of ironic, everyone would try to argue that the church haze is the “real original haze” but the reality is the original haze probably isn’t even that great and the church haze is far superior. I believe Cuban Black Haze is the true name of the strain. Back in the day the genetics were kept very secret which is probably why it was simply called “Haze” and nobody really knew what it was.

I have been hoping to find someone to partner with on an indoor grow so I can grow out a clone of Cuban Black Haze. I am in the opposite boat as you; I live on 90 acres of land and can grow plants outdoors, but I only rent a bedroom here and so I lack enough indoor space for a solid indoor grow. I only have enough room in my bedroom for starting baby plants. Cuban Black Haze has a long flower time which makes it unsuitable for outdoor growing here, and based on the fact that it was mostly grown in New York City, I suspect it is accustomed to indoor growing conditions. They do make a version of Cuban Black Haze with a 9 week flower time although I suspect it is not exactly the same as the version with the long flower time.

They also make some other church piff style strains such as Midnight Mass and Holy Communion. Nothing like the church incense weed, I love it. If you grow out some church haze then I would absolutely buy some from you.

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I’ll check it out and see if seeds can be found. Thanks

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I also wanted to respond to what you were saying about not being able to grow monsters because you can only grow indoor. It’s so true. Alot of people think indoor is better because you can grow year round. But you literally could not even fit one of my plants inside of a grow tent. Within a single outdoor season you can produce sooooo much more bud than an indoor grow unless you have a giant pot factory or something. It’s to the point where last year I was busy trimming every spare moment I had until December 25th. I remember on Christmas Day being so relieved that I had finally finished trimming! I began harvesting and trimming in mid September. So three straight months of trimming and I only had four plants.

Then in April I was already sprouting new seeds. So you really only get a few months vacation if doing outdoor grows with much success. And after trimming for months, you need a break. Also if you are growing several plants in multiple locations outdoors that is much more intense and time consuming than tending to a few plants inside your bedroom. So while outdoor growing is not year round, that is a blessing because there is just so much more work and so much more yield to manage. I personally like growing along with the seasons, by harmonizing with the seasons we are living in greater harmony with nature. Growing cannabis indoors is not the natural way.

But of course, for Cuban Black Haze we need an indoor grower such as yourself to come to the rescue! I have seen Cuban Black Haze seeds but I question their authenticity as the guy I know from Washington Heights with direct access to the church haze connects has said it is only available via clone, you can’t get seeds of it. Haze has a ton of genetic diversity and variations (one of the reasons it is still valued for breeding) so it makes sense that seeds may produce very inconsistent results.

Purple City Genetics and Piff Coast Farms are the guys I would put my money on as having the best church haze genetics, but I have yet to try. The guys I knew back in the day with direct access to Cuban Black Haze in NYC were all obsessed with dipset (diplomats rap group), a couple of the guys I know even made songs with The Diplomats, who were also known as Purple City Bird Gang. They also talk about haze more than any other rappers. So while I guess it is kind of a hunch, a source with the name Purple City Genetics sounds right on the money. It sounds like a name that one of the church haze guys I knew back in the day would come up with and it was always the most highly prized strain of the urban rap scene back in the 1990s and early 2000s, the golden age of gangster rap.

Here is where I personally would try to buy the Cuban Black Haze. It is $100 per clone but honestly if it was much cheaper than that I wouldn’t even believe it is real church haze. This stuff sold for $5000 or more per pound back in the day. Ounces were 500 and grams were 25.

These days in Washington Heights they sell church haze in little gram bags for 10 a piece, they call them dimes. You have to get it on the block, they will have you go to a gate and give money to someone on the other side of the gate then you go to another gate where somebody else serves you. They will tell you each bag is one gram but that is a lie, they always weigh between 0.6 and 0.8 grams, usually closer to 0.8 grams. So even nowadays for 20 bucks you only get 1.6 grams - that is more expensive than dispensaries! Part of the reason for the high prices is that haze strains are typically lower yielding. Original haze was especially low yielding and they say that church haze does not yield high. Also it’s usually grown in NYC, which means indoors, and as we have already established indoor grows don’t ever yield all that much. Lol.

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That’s a shame seeds can’t be found. I seen the church haze seeds. If your trimming that much you need a bowel trimmer from AC Infinity they work pretty good and are fast. If used properly after dry they don’t tear up the buds. People who crank the handle fast like a fan tear up the buds and complain about the device. This is a plant of super skunk that I grew hydroponic indoors. It turned out great for my skill level

You showed me that plant before and I thonk ot looks gorgeous, one of the better plants I have seen. But what I’m saying is - my Super Silver Haze could not even possibly fit in your living room. Your plant is great for an indoor plant but still does not even compare to my Super Silver Haze. Indoor vs Outdoor is like night and day. Even an indoor plant grown perfectly will not perform like an outdoor plant grown by someone who is intermediate. However, outdoor plants are much more prone to bacterial leaf spot, powdery mildew, and bud rot - so there are pros / cons. Also in my climate I cannot grow certain strains. Anything over 9 weeks is risky and the absolute max I can possibly grow is 12 weeks flower time (and that might not beat the frost).

I have also seen Cuban Black Haze seeds for sale but I question their authenticity. People with direct access to these connects in NYC tend to say it is clone only. That doesn’t mean you cannot produce seeds if the plant herms out - you can. But as you have probably noticed with seeds vs clones is that there can be a ton of genetic variation with seeds. Some strains have less genetic diversity, especially after excessive hybridization. Excessive hybridization destroys genetic diversity (which is why it is odd that society promotes humans breeding with other races/ethnicities for the purpose of diversity, that is contradiction). This is why landrace strains are much more genetically diverse, and Haze is close to land race. So even if you get a church haze clone, it herms out, and you grow the seed does not mean it will look or smell like the mother. It might, but probably won’t especially if the church haze is a rare phenotype, which I suspect it might be.

NYC sour diesel is also only available via clone. They still have cuts from like the 1990s floating around. I have no idea how you can keep a cut going for so many years, it is mind blowing. Lol

More pics. She is starting to turn purple now.

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Man she’s beautiful. Is it getting cooler where your at.

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Yes we had a heavy cold snap.

The purple is mostly showing up on leaves that were yellowing so it could be phosphorous deficiency. However, I don’t suspect it is from lack of phosphorous in the soil as I have been regularly top dressing and fertilizing. If there is some nutrient deficiency then it is probably related to the giant crack at the base of the stalk. However, the buds are getting fat and frosty, so I’m happy either way and will enjoy the purple foliage.

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