Super silver haze. First time grower

Haha duly noted @merlin44 im checking back in ur grow now.

@Linds u got them ladies chuggin along. N congrats on the pistils

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@PurpNGold74 thanks! Just sprouted 4 more seeds :crossed_fingers:t2:

@merlin44 that’s awesome! Def gonna follow you along your grow journey!

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Just an update 2 1/2 weeks into flowering
#SSH #supersilverhaze #indoor-grow


Hour til I can like that… but the funk begins…

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Here’s mine, just over 2 weeks in flower. I’m a first-time, too. They’re starting to get some spotting on larger leaves. Used Cal-Mag, today, pH’d at 6.5 in OF soil. I’m hoping they hang on until September! *The net was just installed, which has allowed better light penetration, and supports some really heavy stalks! :star_struck:IMG_20190728_181800036|666x500
Good luck!

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Lookin good! Solid catch on the calmag

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These plants have survived, in SPITE of me.:joy:
Thanks to things I’ve learned from YOU, and others, here. Fingers crossed!
Thank you!

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No problem at all! We are all here to grow n help grow righteous reefer. Keep it green

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Depends on the strain , room could also be hotter as should !!Explained by nodes !!:call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2:

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They look beautiful, just get a defoliation and low stress training to get enough light :ok_hand:t2:

Welcome to ILGM @dmtomee44 :v: