Super silver haze photoperiod

Hello all, im back with a few questions. My photperiod vegged for about 10 weeks before flipping to flower due to me wanting my auto flower to get as much light as possible being in the same closet.
My questions are: the top leaves are like they are having light stress and ive ben turning it down but its only at 22 dli now and i feel thats too low but they are still gettin worse even more leaves than when it started but only the tops. Also shes in a 5 gallon bucket. Is it possible shes running out of root room? Or is it a deficiency? Or maybe even excess? Although i always use about 1/3 of recommended feeding. Im still learning. I did a flush 3 days ago super late in the game. I use fox farm nutrients. And my lights are about 1.5 feet from the plant.

I appreciate all the advice in advance :v::heart::sunglasses:


20 DLI is far too low for mid flower. you should be around twice that. I would turn your lights back up asap. Fox farm nutes are notoriously salty and generally will require you to flush excess salts out of the soil at some point. Do you have a Ph and or ec/ppm meter to compare runoff? That would give you a better Idea of whats going on in the soil. She looks healthy otherwise. The burnt leaf tips are pretty normal at this stage and nothing to worry about. The yellowing leaves on top I would guess is N lockout from salty soil or PH issue, but I’m no expert when it comes to diagnosing issues. Just trying to get better at it.


Hey @Niikkii00 i think they are looking normal with a slight Potassium deficiency possibly. I’m not seeing any light stress, leaves curling up or forming a taco like shell.
Here’s something to look at and compare your plants leaves to.
There could be other issues you can determine by holistically reviewing your total grow environment. You can submit more detail for us to review.

You can use LST (Low Stress Training) by lightly bending your branches and tie down to help expose a more even canopy to get a better light distribution.

During flower your plants need the high intensity light in order to properly bulk up and finish strong.
The brown tips of your leaves could be due to a couple of issues; too much fertilizer, pH out of balance, rot root.


Hey Niikkii I’d say the same. And swelling buds are hungry. 1/3 dose eh. I would too or 1/2, if I wasn’t runoff testing. Upping when my eyes told me I needed to, which is now. No root rot problems there.


and this is why I need the practice. So would the burnt edges be indicative of Potassium deficiency?


I think so considering all things together, and although margins have symptoms, the posture and shapes are great so I think root performance is good, enough to build the buds beyond what theyre fed for. Yeah along with my expectations of heavy feeders while budding. I see mine get a surge in swellness sticky and smell, while the leaves get like that

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I did miss the 1/3 feed part which I suppose would make my earlier idea much less likely. N deficiency would be less likely because we know in mid flower the plant doesn’t use a lot of N, but will use a lot of K. Yellowing is more localized and not widespread and structure is good, so not likely a systemic problem as in the case of a root issue. Am I understanding that logic correctly? Thanks, I appreciate the lesson


Yeah I think so you got it plus expanded on it in your words a good sign imo and I always look at symptoms that aren’t being stated, like structure.
And environmental clues etc