Nutrient Problem or Light Problem?

Started noticing the fan leaves turn yellow and the tips brown up. At first I thought it was a nutrient problem so I stopped giving it nutrients about a week ago. Maybe it was too late to do that because it still looks the same. So I adjusted the light height and power. Hope it isn’t too late for this plant.

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This looks like a nutrient or ph problem. Have you been monitoring the ph and concentration of your nutrients?


Yes, I’ve been using FoxFarm nutrients around 6.5 ph once added and since it’s an autoflower I’ve been giving about half what is recommended. I’ll probably just be giving this plant water till harvest. I appreciate the help!

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Have you checked ppm of your feed and compared it to runoff ppm?

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Honestly I have not. I don’t know much about ppm

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Do you have a meter to test? If not, you should try to get one. Has been a while since I looked, but there was a couple available on Amazon under $20. More expensive units are probably a little more user friendly, but not absolute necessary.

Something a lot of new fix farms users do is miss the recommended flush periods with their nutrients. Not sure if that is your issue feeding at half strength, but possible. Your soil could just ph out of range too. If you were able to test both would have a better idea.


How far along are plants in flower

I really appreciate all the advice! I’ll have to get a ppm measure and figure out how to work that out.

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I believe I started seeing some flowering development around the beginning of the year (January)

I had a similar experience. I won’t go into the details other than I was trying out sub-irrigated 5 gallon containers. It did very well until the pH went off the charts.
This shows some of the worst of it on July 5

I stopped using the sub-irrigation feature. Flushed the day lights out of the medium (peat with perlite) and top fed the rest of the time until harvest.
They were not the prettiest plants when it came to cut them.

But, they cleaned up nicely and I ended up with some very nice bud. This would not have the case had I not flushed them thoroughly to reset the medium and fed them according to the flower nutrient feeding schedule that was properly PHd

It was well worth the effort

Get a ph and ppm pen and use them. An absolute must with fox farm nutrients as are regular flushings per FF schedules.
Good luck


Question for you @Aussie_autos I have not checked PPM or PH. We cant buy meters too expenise. My/We mrs Spud she helps me at the important part trimming,smoking. So all the advice on nutes,ppm,ph ,runoff. I havent done any of this. So how important is checking all that stuff? I just listen to how people grow and try different stuff. Finger in the dirt dry/wet,
eyeballs look at each plant,as I stick my head in tent get real close so I can see everything. Touchand move them leaves,LST,PRUNING works. My Mentos girl has tripled in a 2 week time. I pruned some big fan leaves blocking the light. After touching Mentos my fingers are sticky. What could that mean? @beardless @dbrn32 @Nicky @Newt .I have used the same soil since July 3th 2021. Just recharged it with Tezza2 compost tea. It works


It’s very important.
The more ideal. The environment the better the growth and yeild.
Nutrients numbers count because the plant needs enough food but not so much its burning or stunting the plant.

Aside from light, a good pg meter. And a standard tds meter are the most important thing.


So think of it this way… Your grow is a balancing act effectively sitting on a 3 legged stool, if 1 leg of the stool is short, everything is off-balance. The 3 main legs of that stool are:

  1. Light
  2. Nutrient Uptake
  3. Environment

Measuring and adjusting pH is critical to leg number 2 of the stool. It won’t matter how much (or how little) PPMs of nutrients you give them if the pH is far enough out of range to cause nutrient lockout.

On the other hand, I almost never measure runoff for pH or for PPMs. As for the pH of runoff that would be an indication of the average pH of the soil from top to bottom, when what you really care about is at root level, so if I need that info, I do a slutty test of the soil from 2-3" down from the top.

As for measuring the PPMS of my runoff, if everything looks healthy, I simply don’t bother.

If you simply can’t afford a quality pH meter then a cheap meter is better than not checking.

As for reusing soil, I don’t. But you can reuse it, just understand that the longer it is in use, the closer to a true inert growing medium it becomes, and at that point it isn’t providing any benefit beyond root system physical support, all nutrients are then on you to provide.


It can be very important. This is the tail of a plant I ignored. It is a similar situation I mentioned above. I was trying something different, a SIP. This is a purple kush on 6/26. It was having major ph issues.

I did take some corrective actions but they were inadequate. I should have done a cleansing flush to reset the medium. Instead, I took half measures. It was just three weeks later and I had to harvest her. She basically dying. On 7/12 a few days before I had to cut her. Not a picture of health

It really needed a couple more weeks but that was not happening. 7/18 harvest

Like I said, she needed more time

I hear cannabis described as a ‘weed’ and will grow almost anywhere. This is true but more importantly think of these plants as race cars: you could put 85 octane in it but you are hampering the performance. Getting everything right in the sweet spot means you’ll have a happier plant that will gift you with a better yield of higher quality flower.

Monitoring the runoff TDS and PH can be very important in achieving this.


Just me but looks like ph. I have destroyed a scrog and some plants with lockout. Our reservoir bounces a lot. I get lazy and relaxed and forget to check and bang. Fast. In living soil now. Just water.

Nice explanation Newt!! Lehman’s terms :love_you_gesture:


Well i dont check ppm or run off i just ph my water thats all i do ,i would say if ur running bottled nutrients then its very important that you check ppm and run off but as for organic growing i just dont bother to check ppm or run off

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You can clip off the yellow and dieing leaves if you want they will never turn green again the plant is done using them.

I did the slurry test on my soil 6.5 it is is that good? @dbrn32 @Nicky @beardless