I topped 4/5 plants 9 Days ago. 2/4 were topped after the 3rd node and 2/4 were topped after the 4th nod.
Heights are around 10-12 inches between all of them.
Im currently stuck on when and what to prune before I switch them to 12/12. Im wanting to switch within the next 2 weeks. I don’t think I am going to top more than 1x for my first grow.
Rookie Question here: Are the two new main colas after the top the only branches to be focusing on? I have bottom branches growing well underneath them and I feel like I have seen multiple situations of people cutting off a lot of what is beneath the two main colas. But cutting those bottom branches that are very close to the same height as the top of the plant doesn’t seem right to me. Won’t they all produce if the branches are strong?
There seems to be plenty of light getting down through the plant. I wouldn’t worry about cutting foliage at this point. You will get flowering sites throughout the plant in addition to the main colas. Unless light penetration or ventilation become a problem I would let them grow out.
@JustLiving they look really good nice and green the top should give you buds they look like they are strong enough to do so superlemon haze I bet that taste good I love lemons
Watered and fed plants FF big bloom and grow big. Went by the chart online instead of the bottle. Worried at first but they seem to be doing fine a couple days later. They have all grown 2-3 inches. 1 is a little shorter than the rest but I don’t see it being an issue yet.
Adding a duplicate light soon. Will post when I do and most likely ask for some opinions if you all don’t mind. Thanks for following!
Second light installed. Like it better than them all crunched together under one. Seems to be more light getting to rest of the plants. One plant is 13" while the others are 16-18". They are 38 days from sprout and under light. Maybe switch to flower in 4-6 days? Would like the small one to grow some more but don’t want the others to grow too large. Could train/tie them if need be. There is about 4 feet left from ceiling to top of plant. So basically 2.5-3’ of height left they can grow.
Couple things:
Deciding on when to prune. Should do it the same day of switching to flower or a few days before?
RO water in soil. Does it need Calcium and Magnesium? Read both yes and no, and also more for hydro/coco. Opted to not add any until some signs of deficiency.
Has anyone had pest problems indoors in a grow tent? If so what would be your choice of organic pest control. Or something that isn’t going to make the final product taste a certain way or bad to inhale. Want to be ready if it was to happen to the plants. Thoughts on Neem Oil?
Yes, RO water has nearly everything stripped out of it, cal mag included.
If you are going to do aggressive pruning do it before Flower. After Flower starts,keep them cleaned up. Take out large fan leaves that block light to bud sites.