Stumped help plz!

It’s my first indoor grow, all but two of my plants are doing very well I’m growing blue cheese in a 70% ffhf and 30%ffof soil they are getting ff tiger bloom and ff big bloom once a week at about 600 ppm (about half strength) they are 23 days into flower and were vegged for 9 weeks they are under a 2000w king led plus And a 1000w king led plus at its closest point to plants is about 16in the tent is 4x8 with 8 plants, please let me know if I forgot anything
The tips of them are burnt and they are dropping kinda like overwatering looks, I don’t believe the burnt tip are nute burn but could be wrong
Thanks for any help! Processing: 4309FFA5-B228-4987-9B89-8C69FF305AAC.jpeg…
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Your photos did not upload. Could you try again and wait until you see the 100% upload? Thx


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It would help greatly if you could fill out a support ticket so the growers here can help. Unfortunately I am using my phone and cannot link it - yeah just a bit tech challenged!

Ok I will do that… What is a support ticket and where do I fill one out at?

I am hoping another grower will show up with the link. Otherwise use the search function and search “support ticket”.

Here ya go…

COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.

Answer these simple questions the best you can. If you aew not sure, just bring it to oue attention. We will figure it out.

  1. Indoor or outdoor? - size of grow?
  2. Otigin of seeds?
  3. Regular, feminized, or autoflower?
  4. Origin of water. PH, EC/TDS of source water?
  5. PH and TDS/EC of if mixed solution?
  6. Grow method? Soil, Soil-less, Coco, Hydro, Aquaponics. Please explain.
  7. Nutrients or fertilizer system used.
  8. What typr of lighting are you using? LED, HID (MH, CMH, HPS), or Fluorescents? Please elaborate.
  9. What are the temps in your growspce? Day / Night?
  10. What is the RH = relative humidity in your growspace? Day / Night?
  11. AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier?
  12. Do you have a Ventilation system? Size? 4", 6"?
  13. Co2 Yes / No?
  14. How long have you been growing?
  15. What budget have you set in order to grow successfully?
  16. If you grow hydro, then please explain your hydro method. DWC, R-DWC, Ebb and Flow, Or; Other? Other?

16b. Size and temperature of solution in reservoir?

Always try to upload a clear picture in white light of any issues you may have to allow the community to identify your issue.

Anything you feel would help us give you more informed advice should be included. Feel free to elaborate at the end of the survey.

Thanks! latewood


Thank you @StonedCold13 and @latewood !

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StonedCold13 brought us a support ticket! Check it out, report back and people are certain to help figure out the problem and provide solutions :heavy_check_mark:

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Indoor 4x8 tent 8 blue cheese
2. Otigin of seeds? Lignite
3. Regular, feminized, or autoflower?Feminized
4. Origin of water. PH, EC/TDS of source water? R/O water 2 ml of cal-mag per gallon
5. PH and TDS/EC of if mixed solution? 6.5
6. Grow method? Soil, 70% FFHF 30%FFOF
7. Nutrients Fox farms big bloom and tiger bloom 600ppm every 7 days
8. What typr of lighting are you using? LED, King led Plus 2000w and king led plus 1000w
9. What are the temps in your growspce? Day / Night? Day is up to 80 nights are 68
10. What is the RH = relative humidity in your growspace? Day / Night? Between 40 and 60
11. AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier?
12. Do you have a Ventilation system? Size? 4", 6"? 6 inch ac infinity
13. Co2 Yes / No? No
14. How long have you been growing? 1st grow
15. What budget have you set in order to grow successfully?1500

The natural light pictures are a little bit far away but from what I can see your plants look pretty nice don’t see any nute burn got closer pics

FF recommends periodic flushing to reduce salt levels in the medium. Taking a runoff TDS measurement will ensure you don’t experience nute burn.

Lights are inadequate to properly flower out that space and number of plants FYI: your harvest will be low with light and airy flower.

The problem is plants not directly under the light are receiving far less with light set that low. I would not look at any more of that light but rather look at one of the lights from Spyder Farmer or HLG. Lighting is going to be your biggest investment and it will pay for itself in one grow.



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Post above pretty much covers it Fox farms nutes Are fussy do a run off test and check your numbers :v: leafs look a little droopy but they don’t look horrible

Thank you! I hope those pictures will help the leaves are “tocoing” down… I’m not sure if it’s worth mentioning but the two plants that have this are the tallest and the shortest plants in the tent maybe a coincidence? The tallest one started getting this about 2 weeks ago and the shortest one has been this way for 30 plus days.