Stonedrus, the art of little trees 🌳

So this will be a first, I don’t normally keep a journal, or write, hate typing, and bad at keeping up with responses, don’t use Facebook, twitter, or really any social media, but I believe we can all learn and change, so here I go.

I will start this journal with the ending of old friend and the beginning of 3 new plants from ILGM. The garden consist currently of 1 WW Feminized who kicked a few nanners, with 4-6 weeks out from harvest currently sitting in half of a 4 X 8 tent with closed a CO2 system.

And for the journal I have 1 LSD, 1 Gold Leaf, and 1 (either GSCX or GG from ILGM???) Words of advice, don’t try and germinate seeds in the middle of the night when you are high, generally bad outcome. I am hoping that in a few days I should be able to rub the main stalk and determine which strain of seed it is from the smell of the stalk. If anyone can provide a detailed description of the smell of the stalk for either GSCX or GG I would be ever so thankful. “from what I gathered mint is a characteristic of GSCX”

This is the WW Fem, in a 35 gallon fabric pot of my own organic mix, sitting in a 4x4 tray, utilizing a 4x4 canopy space with controlled CO2, AC, Humidity, an obscene amount of light and adequate air flow to maximize circulation. She is held down by 1 net for the true Scrog believers, and has had most of the fan leaves removed as she was trained to grow horizontal under the net, and of course “the goal is to grow big buds not big leaves”.
Lights for the 1 WW are 2 HLG-550 V2 Rspec , horizontal, 2 Viparspectra 1200 side mounted, 2 King led 1500 Side mounted, and 50 watt UV spec, approximately 19.5 amps. 1200 PPM of CO2, nutrients are at the high end of spectrum, but she seemed to like it.

For the 1 LSD, Gold leaf and “other”, they are in a 2x4x4 tent with 2 VIparspectra 600 hanging above. They are undergoing a lot of HST at this point to increase branch size, I have broken each branch at multiple places along the stems to allow larger girth in the branches, because “Big Buds Don’t grow on Small Branches”.

Hope I can help anyone who has questions, and like I have said is nice to have this community of growers. I do love psychopharmacology as another hobby, but I will save that for another day.
Oh almost forgot, got to tag people If I want to see responses… :wink:
@PurpNGold74, @Myfriendis410, @merlin44, @Dbpooper, @dbrn32, @MrPeat, @AAA, @Nicky, @elheffe702


Very nice!


Helly yeah dude, set to watching for this “trip” (maybe one day you could start a thread down that rabbit hole)! Congrats again on that upcoming harvest and excited to see what the future grow entails!


@Stonedrus Those are some sweet looking girls you have there. Keep up what you are doing. :+1:


I’m set to watching too brother. I’m gonna tag along, Looking good :v:


I’m in, looking great.


Thank you for the Tag.
Much respect for you and your setup, definitely some serious coin spent and experience you have.
To your question about the strain identification I can’t tell you specifically but we can look at each strains terpenes:
Caryophyllene - Peppery
Spicy, peppery terpene that may have anti-inflammatory benefits.
Limonene - Citrus
Citrus-scented terpene commonly believed to provide anxiety and stress relief.
Humulene - Hoppy
Herbal terpene that may provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

GG (Original not #4)
Caryophyllene - Peppery
Spicy, peppery terpene that may have anti-inflammatory benefits.
Limonene - Citrus
Citrus-scented terpene commonly believed to provide anxiety and stress relief.
Myrcene - Herbal
The most common terpene found in cannabis and has an earthy scent.

So there will be a tiny bit difference in the herbal vs earthy but even then they might be very hard to distinguish…

As for your branch breaking your just bending them but not actually breaking them off hey?

All plants are in coco?

Your hobby is VERY intriguing


Out of likes but set to watching :grin:


Nice setup and thanks for the tag.


I’m glad you decided to run a journal. Worst case scenario throw a few pics up, nobody will complain lol. Good luck with these!


Set to watching and taggin along, @Stonedrus your training techniques sound interesting and I’m always keen to learn new things. Good luck with the grow.

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Set to watching, there is much to learn here!

@Stonedrus any word on what caused the nanners 4-6 weeks from harvest,?
And how did it end up ,:slight_smile: tks for sharing, some great pictures

@Stonedrus whoa… Very nice setup and looking absolutely FANTASTIC!!! Can’t wait to watch and learn! Good luck growing brother!

Good, I know the smell of Myrcene, thank you

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Maybe genetics with mix of stress and possible leaks, I made many changes to lights and ventilation throughout the grow. I do think that the feminization of at seeds Mets be a factor since we are selecting individuals that will produce pollen easily and therefore more seeds //


This last grow that is finishing up, brought many new challenges with increase in light and CO2. Temps had to be monitored closely, humidity swung many times, she drank more, ate more, and some things were strange, like the, White tips, which appear healthy with no chlorophyll. Don’t have access to a lab so, I will have to test it the old fashion way.


@Stonedrus that’s called light bleaching.


That is what I initially thought, but @TDubWilly pointed out something else. article about white tipped cannabis from high strength LEDs


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