So I stripped these ladies completely and flipped to 13/11 using a far red initiator. After 7 days in week 1 look at all the veg growth already and bud sites! 5 gal fiber pots, watering every 3 days to tun off then to dry
Looking nice. Do u defol during dlower day 32 and day 42 also?? Good times to strip it down also.
No, I have never defoloated like this, I stripped some leaves off to thin out the middle. I was aware of a defoliate again at day 21, but not the days you indicated, could you explain a little further, is that like the lolly popping thing where once buds are formed, you stip all/most the leaves ? Please explain.
Not sure if all that is new growth it looks alil pale
Stuff at the top is old, underneath and in middle much darker green
It does looks pale .
Hi Mark, im followimg yo on your comment about defoliating again at flowering day 32, well today’s the day., heres a pick of the ladies enclosed. I have looked around on you tube etc but haven’t successfully found a vid on how to defoliate at day 32 or 42. Can you or anyone else explain or provide a vid link that shows what to be done instead of just the before and after shots that dont explain what needs to be done. Need some help please.