Done a “21 days into flowering stage” defoliation week ago. I got rid of all the weaker-than-toothpick branches and most of the major fan leaves and leaved a little popcorn underneath light surface for safety.
Do I doing ok here?
I think you did just fine. Probably could do a bit more if your feelin squirrely
Thanks! You think i should go one step further?
BTW, what do you think about the yield gonna be?
Maybe in a couple days. Let her recover some. My rule is I like to see light go all the way to the soil.
That’s a hard question to answer andnthere are a lot of factors that go into yield. Nutes, Lighting, and over all general care. If all things go alright, I’d say 4-6 ounces of dried bud. Just an educated guess.
Thanks man, that made my day:sunglasses:
Again, a lot goes into the equation. I pulled 18oz from 4 plants on my first grow.
Don’t defoliat…
Best advice if not in scrogg…