Start indoors and move outdoors!?

I have a question, If I start my photoperiod feminized seeds inside around April 1st on a 18/6 light schedule and I plan on putting them outside the last weekend in May, Will I have to worry about veg regen or will I be fine? Climate: Buffalo,NY.

I have read and researched this topic and since I get my seeds from ILGM, I figured I would ask the people who know best! Any advice will be appreciated, Thanks in advance!


A lot of folks start their plants inside and move them outside. It gives the plant an extra month or 2 of growth. You can get monster plants that way


Buffalo’s photoperiod is > 12 hours from late March to late September. Check.

Temps, though, may be a challenge. Temps reach down <50 until early June, which might be a problem.

Let’s let a more experienced outdoor grower weigh in, but I would think nighttime temps will be your constraint.

They won’t flower until mid to late-September, so you will have a few monsters on your hands.


I know you are on the left coast but might have some insight @Big123. I don’t know if @Willd is around but he’s sorta in your area.


I used to live in SoCal. ~50’s F is common overnight pretty much anywhere is Socal through April, particularly at elevation.


I live on the Central Coast and we get high 20’s once in a while. But I wouldn’t put anything out until Memorial Day.


Thanks everyone! 1st time grower and my 1st topic/post to the forum.
But what about veg regen? I’ve read about it and just don’t want it to happen to me!
Should there be any concern of that? 18/6 from April 1st to the end of May and then put outdoors?

Not sure why you might be worried about this. They are not going to flower until September.


I just started thinking about that and I’m just a couple of hours west of you. Thanks for posting the question!


I start indoors and go outside.

I would start my indoor plants on 16 hours max. but closer to 14 hours. You want the days to be as long or shorter when you transplant outdoors or you will have a reveg situation.


I guess I’m going to go ahead and do the 18/6 light indoors and then set outdoors the end of May and see what happens. Thanks again everyone.


I would start them on 16, 15 hour on light @AAA said. once you move them outside, you’re only getting 15 hours of light and you don’t want the drop in light hours to trick the plant into flower when days are getting longer


If you go 18/6 I would put outside on/after Summer Solstice.

I used to think reveg was not so bad. But, buds develop and when the plant reveges those buds start to die.

Dying buds = Bud Rot.


Maybe try some autos, 18/6 great for them, at least a month indoor, then throw outdoors. My 2020 auto journal above.

I agree about keeping lights near outdoor cycle for photos if one plans to put them outdoor. @AAA Must be more careful with light and darks cycle consistency with photos too.

@Myfriendis410 I agree with likely later start outside depending on weather of course. Autos would be ok going out earlier than photos, maybe do it twice in one season too.


I vote for 16/8 too. I’ve had reveg on multiple strains with 18/6.

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