Something running around on its roots

I have this 200’ tall plant with some kind of possum or something running around on its roots. they seem to have been in the potting soil. are they good, bad or something else?

they are tiny maybe 1/32" 1mm range. To bad I couldn’t upload the video.



Um I maybe tripping… but u guys have possums under a millimeter? Thats weird lol. I believe u mean some kind of pests? Anything small NOTICEABLY moving in my soil gets a Food Grade DE treatment and possibly a peroxide spray (depending on the infestation level).

From the pic, looks to be root aphids or some critter of the sort. Definitely bad guys! If u dont want to resort to chemical warfare, predator mites/lady bugs/some spiders/ and possibly mantis are ur friend.

But food grade DE would cut the lil buggers exoshells and make reproduction impossible.


They look very similar to the ones a buddy of mine had/has I’m not sure if they ever identified them or not. I’m not good at this stuff but I have a guy @Lacewing has become my goto on bugs


Totally agree with this …
And I don’t even see anything I could even try to identify


My best advice would be to look up root aphids and see if that’s what you are looking at …cause I don’t even see an insect


Looks like aphids I see at least three in the photo.


Root aphids

Root weevil


Lol good eyes …almost look like pearlite

I agree that’s what they are …inwas looking for ROUS’s like from the fire swamp

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I’m going to phone a friend
He has to be an expert on root aphids by now


Thanks for all the quick responses. Sorry if I caused any confusion with the possum but when I looked at the video I thought that my small trunk looked like a giant sequoia so the bugs must have been antelopes. Looks like ai need to get rid of them


DE is diatomaceous earth?


Yes…also good for silica add to your soil/peat/medium. But if root aphids, your gonna need a soil drench too for the larvae. SNS 203

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@Lacewing thanks for the nod!

Yup… aphids. Hard critters.

I used Botanigard 22WP. You gotta use it a couple of times but it works. It is not cheap, but it will last a long time.

18.14 grams of product per 16.68lbs of water (2 gallons)


Lmmfao! I shoulda used my lifeline on u bro haha. Sweet reference for us old youngsters

It is. And great suggestion! Silica definitely adds a bit of something to the ladies.


Lol…this is what I love about this forum tho …if someone tags you …and you don’t know or aren’t sure …they usually know someone that’s gone through or currently going through it…Poor @NYDon had those damn root aphids his entire grow …so I figured I’d get him up in here …cause he has thrown the book at them …
Funny about the phone a friend thing cause I don’t where it came from …I mean I do …but me writing it lol …


Bahaha. Heck it happens man. And ur right. The longer u hang around, the more tags u store tbh. Even with my half foot in half foot out and horrible short term memory, I can recall some SERIOUS pest battles around here. The good ones stand out like Russell Wilson’s shatterd finger HAHA.

Thats why Im shocked I still dont tag u every bug issue. :man_facepalming:t5:


Hahaha all good man !! I’m no expert but just been through a few pest issues and learned a lot about ones I didn’t have in the process …

Just like to try paying any help forward !!


Omg :joy::joy: that’s funny… I had to read it a few times to make sure I read it right? A possum running around on the roots… Hmmmmm I have possums around here, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen one run… let alone one that small… oh dear ~ sorry … it just struck me as funny … :relaxed:


Yes, I’ve heard of micropossums and d.e. just makes them mad.


here is a link to a small video of them running around and fighting. You will need to download to view.