I have these things all over the side of my fabric pot and on top of my soil. I am not sure If i can see any on the plant itself… Please guys help!!!
Maybe root aphids I’m not sure though
I am totally freaking out right now there is so many of them…
Hmm I’m not real sure what they are maybe try some neem oil
I would suffocate them by covering soil with some diatomaceous earth DE and spray outside of pots never seen that before someone will help u out
How much DE do I put my friend?
Put the de about a 1/4 inch thick on your soil
Make sure it’s food grade de. And yeah I would just cover it about a quarter inch like they said. I think they’re root aphids? but the de should help.
I battle some of that stuff myself. I get it from overwatering. I’m trying to learn but it seems like I either underwater or overwater I never find The Sweet Spot. Good luck
They are spider mites .
Lol seems we do not have a consensus
Do you use the cloth pots ? They are much easier to tell the water status on them than the regular pots. That was how I got the watering down on my grows, after I used cloth pots. Hope that helps! Will be around if you have follow up questions. Jerry
Either whicha bug it may be. Food grade DE should nipp them in da bud. And their eggs/larva. If not in flower (not sure if itll even hurt in flower) a quick dusting of the leaves could hurt either. Don’t saturate the gals but a sprinkle wont hurt
Yes I have cloth pots
Holy Zeus Bawls. I do not want to use h202 I have an organic grow and i am using super soil
I had these sitting in my pots last grow… never realised until i removed root ball from pot… a million of the nasty !@#$ers… you could prob look for organic solution… but i tell ya you dont want more…
Thank you very much. I’m sure once I get going here I will be asking for more advice. I actually did buy cloth pots to use for my next grow! I got 6 5 gallon cloth pots. I’m hoping it helps. I am a chronic over water and it seems like this one I’m working on now I’m under watering. I’ll start a journal post pictures when it’s not so embarrassing haha. Thanks good luck all and enjoy your grow