Hello I wanted to start a new thread in case anyone else is looking for the same information. I have wanted to ask the community what the best soil is for seedlings. I have been buying what everyone says is “the best” for growing. I am finding the beat for growing is not the best for seedlings. The fox farms ocean is all I can buy locally. There are many other brands to choose from but without knowing those differences it’s hard to decide what to use.
If nutrients are not required for seedlings in the first months what soil can you buy (hopefully easily accessed in a store) without any nutrients in the mix? Just plain old dirt I suppose.
I also found this ground coco mix, and wanted some opinions.
Not sure where this info came from, but it’s not true. A plant started from seed will only be a seedling for a few days or so after it sprouts under most conditions. It’s first 2 round leaves will provide nutrients until its able to develop a root system and uptake water and nutrients through the roots. If you’re in a complete inert potting mix, these will usually start to die off after your plants develop a couple sets of true leaves. Whether it be hand fed, already in your media, or some sort of hydroponic solution, your plants will need nutrients pretty quickly. Definitely before its a month or months old.
If you’re looking for something with very little or no nutrients try coco, peat, perlite, or hydroton.
Have you looked into Roots Organic? I’m new myself and I have used a different soil, but I just started using their dry amendment (Terp Tea Bloom) and at some point I’ll likely try their Original soil. My understanding is that it’s good for seedlings and about the first month of growth, but of course do your research, too, especially that I’m new and still have much to learn. Their Original soil is on Amazon and some other places. Recently, I emailed the company with a couple of questions, and I received a generous reply the next day.
Some folks here really like Coast of Maine’s Stonington, and they have a seed starter soil. There’s a thread on this forum discussing Coast of Maine’s products that’s very informative, and the company also has good customer service.
All the best! Update us on what you learn and use.
I like to do 70% Coco coir 30% Perlite. For nutrients i go with Mantis Buffered Nutrients seed to harvest. Easy one part nutrient no need to check PH or add anything else but that
You can pick up a small bag of ground peat at any Home Depot called IIRC: “Daisy Seed Starter Mix”. It’s finely ground peat that needs to be hydrated before use but is nutrient free. Miracle Gro also does a seed starter mix that will work as well. You can also just start growing in coco and pick up a bale of that. Research using “Jack’s” with the 3-2-1 program: the most economical and easiest supplement line we’ve come across. There’s a bunch of us using it.
Coast of maine definitely a great soil in my opinion and cheap if found locally in a nursery near you. I use the pink bag alot of people use the super mix called Stonington
I just get viagrow coco from home depots website, the fluffed bags are a Lil cheaper and easier to use but the bricks are easier to store. I just double buffer them, infuse them with bacteria and amendments, then fill up my bags. If your using hydro nutes just make your 2nd buffering a feed water OR just run feed water through right before sowing.
Pink bag is good stuff as long as you plan on amending it and giving it some time to cook.
The first time I tried Coast of Maine a few years ago I did the pink bag and used that in combination with the Foxfarm big three and the fox farm PK boosters during flower. Decent results with that.
That stuff is pretty well buffered so I was able to pump it with the fertilizer and not really have any PH issues at all
I use the Roots Original, like it alot. Get to the end of veg (4/6 weeks) without having to feed. No issues with it at all plants seem to love it. I did start with ffof several grows but less issues with the Roots.
So if you are starting a seed in a jiffy disk (or that’s what I’ma calling them), setting them as a plug inside a 3 gallon bag, how long after breaking ground would you say that the seedling has developed roots that have reached my soil?(ffof).I remove the mesh before setting in the soil. I don’t have enough experience to have a clue…
That’s why I went with the Roots and Jack’s as it was it’s so simple to use and plants tolerate it so well. I’ve had my last 2 grows in it and no need to change.
Yes, I been paranoid about them, been swelling them up them mashing them all around to loosin em up.
Then I worry iv left them to loose for the sprout tap. Pushing itself out…I beleive it’s had something to do w my helmet problems, iv lost one over it.
My main thought was when it hits the hot.
Have been giving a few drops of seedling feed at have strength and wondering how soon inside the plug it will actually consume that is at all, by root. Time…may be over thinking…