Sog set up ! Had to downgrade tent size

For a sog in a 2x2 what size pots should i flower in and how many? Also will it be ok if i take clones and flip when plant is 8inches

I’ve done it. I was working on revegging plants.


If you’re shooting for a straight up sea of green setup, I’ve used 2 liter drink bottles with the necks cut off of them. You can really rack them in tight.

^^^ @Highest1 . See above post about size of pots. It’s just a suggestion, but works.

I can get 16 6" square pots into my 2x2. The model i purchased is a little shy of 6" though, I think they measured at about 5.75" and was a pretty tight fit.


I started my first SoG experiment a couple of months back in a 2.3x2.3 Spider Farmer tent.
This is 12 - 1gal bags and technically 4 little 4" plastic pots basil plants came in.

I ended up moving the 12 bags to the 2x4 - was worried about WPM or bud rot forming - this is about 5 weeks since flipping at 3.5 weeks in the gal bags.

The top of the PVC pipe in 15" from the bottom of the tent.
Each plant has no less than 5 or 6 good tops. I thought originally i had a couple with less but i can’t find them now. I guess other good shoots emerged that I let grow,

This grow, so far - knock wood, has been so easy I’m thinking of growing a mother in the 2.3x and just running SoG in the 2x4 constantly.
If I can make it to the end without screwing it up the yield will tell me.

In conclusion - if you’ve got a good root mass built up on the clone you can flip whenever you want. Remember, flowering comes at the end of a growing season, if you don’t have good roots you won’t have good shoots!!
Technically, the plant itself is mature, assuming it was taken from a proven female. In the case of clones it’s the roots who are the new kids on the block.
At any rate, plant size doesn’t really matter - that’s your call. But, ultimately, the root structure will decide what you grow.

Mycos is your friend…

Happy Growing Everyone!!!


This is 12 clones in a 24x24" frame. They are in 6" nursery pots

The next time I did 6 in 1 gallon fabric pots


I have two five gallon fabric pots in my 2×2

How long did u veg and how did you train those ladies?did u top? If so which node

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The clones were cut on the 26th or 27th of September and it took about 2 and a half weeks to get roots on all of them. They went into the gallon bags on the 12th of October and I vegged for about a month, flipping to 12/12 on the 10th of November.
They were taken from a plant in pretty heavy flowering so I didn’t really have to top as they were sending out shoots at every node already. I just cut out weaker, lower shoots to get more juice to the bigger, more robust ones. And as far as training I just guided the shoots to a open square in the trellis support. I’ve done a little stabilizing and nudging here and there with some bread twisties. LOL! Just enough to get a bud off another, etc.
Honestly, I probably could have flipped a couple of weeks earlier as I used Mycos when planting and the roots went nuts.
About 2 weeks after the flip my flowers were starting to form and that’s when I consider flowering to start.
They’re on Jacks 321, Mammoth P about every other watering, and Silica Plus. Added MKP when flipped and they’ll get a dose or two of Recharge and FishShit at next watering, they just arrived today in fact.
I’m letting these go hard and heavy into the amber before i cut and plan to take colas as they’re ready and not just taking the whole plant at once.
I’m in no rush.

edit: I should mention - these are ILGM Super Skunk clones.

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